Technology is a bad strategic investment

  • @San:

    Agreed.  :-) For a more exciting game, play with tokens or reduce the cost of a researcher to 4 or even 3.  Or, keep it at 5 and don’t use tokens, but allow multiple breakthroughs per turn (ala Classic).

    Thanks for the intelligent discussion, San Chillos.

    Yes, we do play with tokens costing 6 IPC each. Always fun to have to throw a die or two every turn. :-D By the way, you’re welcome.  :wink:


    This is a link to the debate game.

    I just hit super subs with Japan on J1 for 5 IPC’s, after rolling a 5 (miss) for Germany.  It’s gonna be a loooong game in the Pacific for Allweneed…  :wink:

  • @allweneedislove:

    Super subs – your researchers have found that putting a snorkel on your diesel  U-boats allows you to submerge with the engines running so you can be extra sneaky and you get 1 more attack pip. for 30ipc you could just buy 5 more subs that would get you 10 more attack pips, 5 more defence pips and 5 more units that can soak up hits.

    1 more attack pip is a 50% increase in attacking power.  Over the course of our game, I may buy between 5 and 25 subs with Japan.  I will have a much easier time keeping the USA at bay. I also have only 5 remaining chart 2 techs left, so on my next breakthrough I will get jets, improved shipyards, radar, long range air, or heavy bombers, all of which are extremely useful for Japan.  Plus, you never know how much I’m going to spend on research and when and what I’m going to obtain.

    I think you have underestimated the power of tech.  :-)

  • i do realize this is a ‘Global topic’… but still, i just don’t see how in E40 there is room for investing in this, except for the US and maybe Germany… but again, both of those depend heavily on how Sealion-Barbarossa turns out, and whether Italy is spread thin in the Med-Africa - meaning that if they don’t perform well, they need the extra 5xn cash.

    in Global, i would add USSR and Japan to the ‘likely’ list…

    ps. if i roll multiple dice and get 2+ 6es, do i still only get the one tech? me with no rulebook, haven t seen it referenced, hence the question. thanks!

  • @Gabike:

    i do realize this is a ‘Global topic’… but still, i just don’t see how in E40 there is room for investing in this, except for the US and maybe Germany… but again, both of those depend heavily on how Sealion-Barbarossa turns out, and whether Italy is spread thin in the Med-Africa - meaning that if they don’t perform well, they need the extra 5xn cash.

    in Global, i would add USSR and Japan to the ‘likely’ list…

    ps. if i roll multiple dice and get 2+ 6es, do i still only get the one tech? me with no rulebook, haven t seen it referenced, hence the question. thanks!

    1 power per turn, extra 6’s ignored. No powers in Europe, only Global.

  • @JamesAleman:

    1 power per turn, extra 6’s ignored. No powers in Europe, only Global.

    Great point, James.  That’s right, there is no tech in Europe (or Pacific) so don’t worry about that.

  • @gamerman01:


    1 power per turn, extra 6’s ignored. No powers in Europe, only Global.

    Great point, James.  That’s right, there is no tech in Europe (or Pacific) so don’t worry about that.

    But he may want to have it as a
    house rule

  • @calvinhobbesliker:



    1 power per turn, extra 6’s ignored. No powers in Europe, only Global.

    Great point, James.  That’s right, there is no tech in Europe (or Pacific) so don’t worry about that.

    But he may want to have it as a
    house rule

    I doubt it, because he just said he doesn’t think anyone can afford it.

  • oh, i figured it was included in E40 too… might have misread sth somewhere…

    thank you for the correction!

  • Ok here’s my 2 cents on techs. I’ll start by saying Spring 1942, is the first edition I played (though I’ve read the rules for some older ones) and my group houseruled in tech tokens. Playing G1940 I like the way techs work now. From threads I’ve read I appear to be in the minority on this. The problem with tokens (IMO) is that it takes a lot less thought. If you spend IPCs a turn on dice with tokens you get every die you rolled last rolled plus the number of dice you bought. There is much less risk there. With no tokens you need to think a lot harder about it. With no tokens you get 1 die per 5IPCs regardless of previously spent IPCs. You need to think “Do I feel lucky with 1 die or do I need more?”.
    One great point Gamer brought up is that for each tech you get on a chart, it’s that much better of a chance that you’ll get one of the ones that you really want. Also like he pointed out, pretty much the entire second chart help USA, UK, and Japan a lot. Pretty much the entire first chart does Germany and Russia good. War Bonds is great to hit early game (yes I understand you need to hit a 6 then a 5 in order to get it). That extra 1d6 will help out especially late game. Also R1 Russia hit rockets in 2 games I’ve played. If I’m remembering right, there are 2 German complexes, and 1 Italian complex within 3 spaces of Russian borders. Rockets can be devistating to anybody’s economy having to repair complexes to use them to full capacity.
    Unless I missed it, here’s the big point that I’m surprised nobody pointed out. Tech dice are purchased BEFORE units! If you get Rockets, it might be worth the 6 IPC investment to get an AA gun where you were going to buy a tank. If you get Advanced Artillery, you might replace some of the Mech you were going to buy to buy some Artillery to support that stack of Infantry you have. Where you would have 10 @ 2 (plus any other units) on defense, add 5 Artillery and you now have 15 @ 2 (again plus any other units) on offense. That’s a pretty huge swing for 20 IPCs.
    As Gamer pointed out Super Subs is great. Taking Subs from having a 33% chace for a successful attack to a 50% chance is great. Factor in also the first strike assuming the defender has no Destroyer is great with a stack of subs. With Improved Shipyards (which especially if aquired early enough for a naval heavy power is always great to save money).
    As far as play by fourm goes I’d love to give it a go. I just hate computerized dice. They never seem random enough. Anyway that’s my 2 cents.

  • TripleA

    while larry is in the process of making changes, i hope he goes back to tech tokens.

  • And this thread is baaaaa-aaaack….

  • heavy bombers combined with long range aircraft is still a very formable straitegy. Ive won many wars (games) this way.

  • @lnmajor:

    heavy bombers combined with long range aircraft is still a very formable straitegy. Ive won many wars (games) this way.

    it is awfully strong, but “a strategy”?

  • OK, weapon. Does that make you feel better?  :-P

  • @SalothSar:

    Bring back the tokens>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


  • TripleA

    they helped to level out the variance in cost of technology.

    and they lower the average cost of technology which is overpriced.

    rolling for technology is fun, tech tokens bring more tech rolls.

    tech tokens = more fun

  • @lnmajor:

    OK, weapon. Does that make you feel better?  :-P

    Yes  :lol:

  • @SalothSar:

    Technology can kill your X-wife!

    But it cannot teach people how to spell words correctly.

  • @SalothSar:



    Technology can kill your X-wife!

    But it cannot teach people how to spell words correctly.

    Hey Mr. Spelling Police, you don’t like me?

    I generally don’t like people who make unfounded assertions and says “You’re wrong, I’m right” all the time.

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