@Marshmallow-of-War thank you Marsh
Italy a bad design
This is a GLOBAL game. If you only think of Japan, then yes, you should be able to destroy India by attacking J1. But USA could afford to destroy Germany during the same time.
I completely agree that the game is broken. After all, not making the game so Italy can have a 50/50 chance of taking all of africa and making it very likely the Germans have to do it and regulating Italy to a subserviant role is completely broken. What were they thinking. It is like they were making a WW2 scenario in 1940 or something.
Oh and add the game being broken because of France too. I mean, really. France has no chance against Germany. Who would want to play France.
Not doing the the J1 attack slows Japan big time and insure they will face a much larger Pacific GB. It gives the allies 60 more points to spend with America but Japan can also waste the Amercian troops and planes in Phillipines. If Japan is not attacking GB turn one then it might be smart to fly the fighters back to India and build to British tanks in South Africa. I think the advantage gained by J1 attack makes up for activating America early.
J1 attack in AAP40 is the best strategy. However, we’re talking global here. You have to consider what is happening in Europe. Also, what IPC’s can Japan really gain from a J1 attack?..Hong Kong(3), Phillipines(2)?..FIC(2) is auto without a J1 attack.
Not doing the the J1 attack slows Japan big time and insure they will face a much larger Pacific GB. It gives the allies 60 more points to spend with America but Japan can also waste the Amercian troops and planes in Phillipines. If Japan is not attacking GB turn one then it might be smart to fly the fighters back to India and build to British tanks in South Africa. I think the advantage gained by J1 attack makes up for activating America early.
J1 attack in AAP40 is the best strategy. However, we’re talking global here. You have to consider what is happening in Europe. Also, what IPC’s can Japan really gain from a J1 attack?..Hong Kong(3), Phillipines(2)?..FIC(2) is auto without a J1 attack.
OOB(Larry is in the process of changing the P40 setup to balance it), Japan can kill the BB, 2 Tr, prevent UK from taking 2 DEI, take a DEI itself, kill the Hawaii Tran, kill the US bomber and fighter, and possibly kill the ANZAC SS, DD, Tr
Please, someone tell me, what is a BB, DD, SS. If battleship, destroyer, submarine, where is the extra letter coming from
Not doing the the J1 attack slows Japan big time and insure they will face a much larger Pacific GB. It gives the allies 60 more points to spend with America but Japan can also waste the Amercian troops and planes in Phillipines. If Japan is not attacking GB turn one then it might be smart to fly the fighters back to India and build to British tanks in South Africa. I think the advantage gained by J1 attack makes up for activating America early.
J1 attack in AAP40 is the best strategy. However, we’re talking global here. You have to consider what is happening in Europe. Also, what IPC’s can Japan really gain from a J1 attack?..Hong Kong(3), Phillipines(2)?..FIC(2) is auto without a J1 attack.
OOB(Larry is in the process of changing the P40 setup to balance it), Japan can kill the BB, 2 Tr, prevent UK from taking 2 DEI, take a DEI itself, kill the Hawaii Tran, kill the US bomber and fighter, and possibly kill the ANZAC SS, DD, Tr
Those are all things Japan “can” do, but can they do all of them, and would that be wise considering counter-moves?
Please, someone tell me, what is a BB, DD, SS. If battleship, destroyer, submarine, where is the extra letter coming from
Those are (US) navy ship designations.
http://www.nvr.navy.mil/class.htm -
The simple fact that this thread is already 5 pages long with everyone arguing back and forth about “you can do this and the axis is screwed” and then someone else states back "yeah but then the axis can do this back…and by the way, then the allies are screwed…) tells me that the game is pretty balanced. There are a TON of stratagies that I still have not heard…for starters…The game seems to be 8-10 rounds to Moscow/Japan and Germany/Allies big battles - I think over all the years Larry probably got pretty tired of that…so…I wonder how Japan would feel about US’s 600+ IPC’s floating around the Pacific…Balanced enough for you? The Axis victory conditions are based on Cities…quite a few of those in the pacific…
Personnally, I doubt more than 5% of games played are actually finished to the victory conditions laid out in the rules…
Also - This is a game based on the outcome of a little plastic cube that dishes out unbelievable amounts of random chaos!
Balance is up to YOU and your OPPONENT - maybe you think the game is broken because you are always losing, or maybe it is broken because you are always winning and can’t find a good challenger.
Quite complaining and start playing…talk to me in 6 months about game balance and maybe I will be a little more receptive…
And while I am at it - LOW LUCK SUCKS MONKEY BALLS! Do you play cards without the 5’s, 9’,s and Aces?!?!? Start rolling Dice!
The UK Gibraltar fleet attacking the Italians in SZ95 is a mistake. It can only work out ok for the Allies if the German player is inexperienced. Please, use your imagination before you decide you are a perfect player and cant figure this one out.
Cant the German submarines in the Atlantic attack the British fleet near the mediteranian. From the looks of it Germany has two submarines in 103 and 109 that could at least do a volley against the British forces in sea zone 91. If you score a hit he will either kill the destroyer or take some damage on the carrier which wont allow him to fix launch the planes. Either way this seems like a sensible German move and it might dissuade the British from attacking Italy.
Naturally there will be a cost to wiping out the British navy but that can be done in G2 if you dont have sufficient forces. -
this is why we need a battlemap module! Stoney please save us lol.
Couple of things i think people are missing as options.
Control of Gibralter. There are many ways for germany to get boats into the med. If both G and I have boats in the med and transports, they can continually trade gibralter to prevent the allies from entering the med.
Airpower. With the airbase in france the germans can hit nearly any of the med sea zones. You start with 8 planes vs 1 US boat, and a handful of UK boats (even less if they send the carrier into the med). You should be able to purchase around 3 planes on G2, and continue to purchase atleast 2 a turn if not more afterward. This will prevent the allies from coming at you in force.
Victory conditions. Axis need 14 VCs. Japan can easily have 7 by turn 4 or 5 if ignored by the allies. The germans/italians start with control of 3 and gain a 4th from paris. That leaves 3 remaining. Japan should be able to secure Egypt and possibly even stalingrad or even LA if ignored, meaning germans only need to take leningrad for the win.
Good for the goose, good for the gander. Japan has more planes to send to europe than the UK. Sikang to Romania is the quickest route i can see, and should be doable by turn 5ish I would assume. Japan can also simply build nearly 7-8 a turn to continue to do this.
The UK Gibraltar fleet attacking the Italians in SZ95 is a mistake. It can only work out ok for the Allies if the German player is inexperienced. Please, use your imagination before you decide you are a perfect player and cant figure this one out.
What an awesome response! Very constructive and insightful! You got me on that one…somehow I now agree with you. Take a look at the post in front of you by plasticdeathbydice…that sums it up perfectly.
Cant the German submarines in the Atlantic attack the British fleet near the mediteranian. From the looks of it Germany has two submarines in 103 and 109 that could at least do a volley against the British forces in sea zone 91. If you score a hit he will either kill the destroyer or take some damage on the carrier which wont allow him to fix launch the planes. Either way this seems like a sensible German move and it might dissuade the British from attacking Italy.
Naturally there will be a cost to wiping out the British navy but that can be done in G2 if you dont have sufficient forces.This is what I want to try tonight- but I am going to add a Tac from West Germany and maybe a fighter (or possibly the Bomber in Germany if it can reach- also assuming you can fly over nuetrals, I believe you can…). This should be a even fight with a slight German advantage- 1 4+, a 3+ and 2 2+s vs a 4 and 2 2s. I should be able to get 2-3 hits, so destroying the Tac and either the DD or damaging the CV. On avgerage I should lose 1 SS. Germany can afford that easy and i don’t think I’ll be draining a lot of strength from the attack on France.
This should give Italy a much better chance at surviving the battle on UK1. I’ll post back after tonight. -
I think you can only overfly friendly neutrals, but I’m AFRB right this second.
I dont think you can use the fighter and tactical bomber because there is nowhere for them to land. But if you have a bomber, it can move 7 and you can take it from Germany and land it in Northern Italy. When I get the game tomorrow….grrrrr! That will be my strategy. The odds are pretty good, it seems 2 at 2, 1 at 4, against 1 at 1, 1 at 4, 1 at 2. This could seriously save the Italian Navy. Has anybody tried this.
The simple fact that this thread is already 5 pages long with everyone arguing back and forth about “you can do this and the axis is screwed” and then someone else states back "yeah but then the axis can do this back…and by the way, then the allies are screwed…) tells me that the game is pretty balanced.
how can the bomber reach the UK fleet off Gibraltor in SZ 91?
I was just looking at that and apparently it cant, grr. Well I am still going to send two submarines after that. Can planes ever attack subs or is that only when the destroyer is present?
planes can only hit subs when destroyers are present
I was just looking at that and apparently it cant, grr. Well I am still going to send two submarines after that. Can planes ever attack subs or is that only when the destroyer is present?
You’re right, my bad. I am going to send the 2 subs against it as well. The Tac can attack the sub only with the DD present- so at least 1 hit and the UK has to either damage the CV or lose the DD, condemning the CV at the same time. There’s a decent shot that the 2 SS will take out both ships while they themselves are sunk- a fair trade in my book.