• @reloader-1:


    I think Japan is already cut (Jack, correct me if I’m wrong). However, the French aren’t cut yet.

    That is correct and were shooting them Thursday.

  • That’s WotC - not the players! And we certainly howled at that decision.

  • Jack - when do you think the French & Hungarian units will be cut? And what size do you have the two Hungarian tanks at?

  • well i buy 2 sprues of each no matter. Everyone should support jack’s efforts no matter what. At least you get something you can use.

  • @reloader-1:

    Jack - when do you think the French & Hungarian units will be cut? And what size do you have the two Hungarian tanks at?

    Here is my dilemma.  If I change the scale for the last 3 countries the tanks will not look right with the first 5 already made.  Hmmmmmm

    Imp Leader is coming around all I had to do was send him a couple hundred buckaroos. :wink:

    I’m still waiting for one of you guys to write up and publish new rules for the new infantry units.  :-D
    Better hurry before to many more are turned into pillboxes.  :-(

  • I’m still waiting for one of you guys to write up and publish new rules for the new infantry units.  grin
    Better hurry before to many more are turned into pillboxes.  sad

    hahahah. Good one.

    I think the infantry could be used for Memoir 44 to identify different types of infantry.

    As used in an AA game they simply can’t work.

    For AA if we had different types these might be of value:

    elite troops ( waffen SS)

    As far as the tanks go.

    light tanks are 3-2-2-5
    Medium tanks are 3-3-2-6
    Heavy tanks are 4-4-2-8

    you can also sort them out as early, mid, and late war tanks.

  • I will flat out guarantee you that if you make the French tanks in AA scale they will be better sellers than if they were ginormous.

  • Yea me too. Don’t compound the mistake by producing the larger tanks. Just sell what you got and forward keep the size smaller.

    Latter correct the size issue with the effected tanks when you got funds. The extra income from smaller tanks will offset the costs from maintaining the larger tanks.

    When the naval come out make sure you measure the AA Pieces and make sure they all match exactly in size, this will go for air units too.

  • '10



    Jack - when do you think the French & Hungarian units will be cut? And what size do you have the two Hungarian tanks at?

    Here is my dilemma.  If I change the scale for the last 3 countries the tanks will not look right with the first 5 already made.  Hmmmmmm

    Imp Leader is coming around all I had to do was send him a couple hundred buckaroos. :wink:

    I’m still waiting for one of you guys to write up and publish new rules for the new infantry units.  :-D
    Better hurry before to many more are turned into pillboxes.  :-(

    That is what I plan to do with the four sets that I ordered. Create new bunker units.

  • Think of it this way -you can use the 3 smaller sets as a testbed for the market, if it works you will eventually make the others smaller. The big pieces can still be used for other games or future projects.

  • @reloader-1:

    I will flat out guarantee you that if you make the French tanks in AA scale they will be better sellers than if they were ginormous.

    “ginormous”  I like that word.

  • @reloader-1:

    Think of it this way -you can use the 3 smaller sets as a testbed for the market, if it works you will eventually make the others smaller. The big pieces can still be used for other games or future projects.

    I can hold back on the French and the Hungarian tanks for a while.  To see if the investor dollars come in.
    The Japanese are done and waiting for an open molding machine and the carbon has been cut for the Russian tanks.  That reminds me, I need to order concentrate for the Russian’s.
    Just applied Monday at the temp service in town.  I need some cash flow to complete this project.
    Is the new A&A out on the market yet?  I let the folks know at fairplaygames that I would take a copy.  I need a French piece to match the color.  And of course to see how my genormous tanks fit in the zones.  :wink:

  • Jack the game is out on 24th, also you can see the pieces on the front page of the site ( not the forums)

  • Jack,

    Waiting for the game to come out sounds like a good idea.

    Honestly, I feel if you come out with a set of French pieces that has 2-3 different models of tanks, and perhaps an artillery piece and fighter plane (so 5 molds total), it will be an A&A hit. The community now is much bigger than it was for the 1984 version, and has access to the internet for variant info, etc (you have 500+ friends on facebook!).

    You have to tap that market. Use the French set as a trial - make the 5 molds, sell it for your regular set price ($12 is a fantastic pricepoint btw). Don’t make infantry molds - they really aren’t that popular.

    If this blows up and fails (it won’t), you have only wasted 2 molds (the Char B and the SOMUA). You can recycle the rest and make infantry pieces as normal, and the plane *nd artiller mold can be saved for your future piece sets. - truly believe the market is ripe for this - thoughts?

  • I buy anything that has the same size as the regulare A&A pieces

  • Customizer

    I’m a bit late to this thread but let me see if I got this right:  The plan is to make the next four countries – Hungary, Japan, France, Russia – with the tanks smaller to fit with the A&A pieces.  Then, assuming sales are good and all goes well, TT is going to go back and re-size the first four countries – America, Britain, Germany, Italy – to fit closer to A&A pieces?  Is that correct?  If so, what are you going to do with all the bigger pieces you’ve already made?

  • @knp7765:

    I’m a bit late to this thread but let me see if I got this right:  The plan is to make the next four countries – Hungary, Japan, France, Russia – with the tanks smaller to fit with the A&A pieces.  Then, assuming sales are good and all goes well, TT is going to go back and re-size the first four countries – America, Britain, Germany, Italy – to fit closer to A&A pieces?  Is that correct?  If so, what are you going to do with all the bigger pieces you’ve already made?

    The Japanese and Russian tanks will be in the same scale as the first 4.  The Japanese should shoot parts on Monday and the Russian units in about 3 weeks.
    Now the debate is if I should make the French smaller.  It really comes down to dollars.  If I have the dollars to redo the other country tanks it makes sense to but if I don’t have the dollars then changing one country does not make sense.  Hungary is going last so I should know before making them what will be the direction.
    If the Venture Capital comes in then I can use the bigger tank molds in a complete game and cut new tools for you A&A folks.

  • I would argue it makes sense for France as you have no competition, and there is a need in the A&A community - France and Italy do not have unique units, FMG is about to release Italian units and you can release French units so that people have pieces for their games.

  • Jack,

    Let me explain it this way - if you produce a game that uses the big tanks, odds are that France will not be in it. Games tend to use the major powers (US/UK/Jap/GER/USSR).

    If you made a game that used all those, AND France - congrats… you just made AAGlobal. Except much bigger, as your pieces are bigger.

    Therefore, we can treat the French as a stand-alone set, in which case it makes all the sense in the world to fill a void that only exists for France and Italy - country specific pieces. Let’s be honest, every other country has unit specific tanks so new ones might be a harder sell, but it is a no-brainer for France & Italy.

    As you have already cut Italy, and FMG is about to release their Italian pieces, the best course of action is for you to fulfill a market need - French unique pieces.


  • Customizer



    I’m a bit late to this thread but let me see if I got this right:  The plan is to make the next four countries – Hungary, Japan, France, Russia – with the tanks smaller to fit with the A&A pieces.  Then, assuming sales are good and all goes well, TT is going to go back and re-size the first four countries – America, Britain, Germany, Italy – to fit closer to A&A pieces?  Is that correct?  If so, what are you going to do with all the bigger pieces you’ve already made?

    The Japanese and Russian tanks will be in the same scale as the first 4.  The Japanese should shoot parts on Monday and the Russian units in about 3 weeks.
    Now the debate is if I should make the French smaller.  It really comes down to dollars.  If I have the dollars to redo the other country tanks it makes sense to but if I don’t have the dollars then changing one country does not make sense.  Hungary is going last so I should know before making them what will be the direction.
    If the Venture Capital comes in then I can use the bigger tank molds in a complete game and cut new tools for you A&A folks.

    Ah yes, it all depends on obtaining the capital to continue moving forward.  That’s a cool idea for coming out with a new game to accomodate the larger tanks.

    I think reloader is right though.  Since you haven’t yet made the French or Hungarians, you should make them small as to be compatible with A&A tanks and you will have a better sale of those sets.  I know there are lots of people that play other games, but I’m pretty sure the majority are into A&A and would like to use your new tanks to replace the “Soviet” French pieces in AAE40.  I bet if your French tanks match the current A&A size tanks, you will sell a lot of French units.

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