My review copy of Axis & Allies Europe 1940 has arrived

  • Here is a quick, full-board image that I put together using djensen’s map photos. It seems as India will look alright after all.

    However I must say that because of the board split, the name of Western Germany is incredibly offset and looks strange in my opinion.

  • @Captain:

    Here is a quick, full-board image that I put together using djensen’s map photos. It seems as India will look alright after all.

    However I must say that because of the board split, the name of Western Germany is incredibly offset and looks strange in my opinion.

    Looks fun!

  • Whatever happened to “fortress malta” being in the game?  From what I can tell from the setup charts, there’s noone in Malta, so why bother?

  • Yeah, I read that on your homeboy’s website, but Jensen says it will so who is right?
    I’m not going to bother to drive 9 hours for a slim chance that I may win a game.  Or will I?

    You can see larry and have him sign whatever.

    Also jack from table tactics will be selling his pieces, so you can at least buy them.

    Lastly, you can play and try to win a game and if you cry enough to Larry perhaps he will help you out.

  • @Emperor_Taiki:

    thx for the pics, it looks fun,  I hope to see more.

    There are also 2 new pieces of info in your preview.

    1. The game is coming out the 14th vs. 24th

    2. Its gonna be sold at Gencon

    Can someone confirm this?

    Also, its great the Soviets get a battleship :-D.

    I was also wondering the validity of point #1… states Aug 24th as the release date still.  :?

  • Grrr, Twitter is down for maintenance…  :x

  • @IceCap:


    thx for the pics, it looks fun,  I hope to see more.

    There are also 2 new pieces of info in your preview.

    1. The game is coming out the 14th vs. 24th

    2. Its gonna be sold at Gencon

    Can someone confirm this?

    Also, its great the Soviets get a battleship :-D.

    I was also wondering the validity of point #1… states Aug 24th as the release date still.  :?

    Pretty sure he fat-fingered it.  The retailers (e.g. FMG) still show the 24th as the release date as well.

  • what are the global rules like?

  • any possibility for germany to control the now worth 8 Scandinavia?

  • Gibralter starts out with an AB and NB and no troops? Malta gets nothing?
    nothing to defend these TT out of the starting gate.

  • South Africa starts with a minor IC and a NB very cool

  • This is a god send! they say in times of famine the devil feasts on flies, WELL THE FAMINE IS OVER!!!

    I’m so glad to see that Italy still retains that great potential that they had in AA50. Im soo looking forward to going to GenCon and seeing this in even greater detail  :-D

  • I’m excited about South Africa’s IC. We’re fnally getting some representation down here!

  • Both of the Axis powers only have minor ICs in their capitals.

  • @oztea:

    Both of the Axis powers only have minor ICs in their capitals.

    Holy shit hes right! That makes no sense!

  • @Clyde85:


    Both of the Axis powers only have minor ICs in their capitals.

    Holy sh*t hes right! That makes no sense!

    They do have Majors just not in their capitals. LOL

  • What on earth happened to Fortress Malta??? It won’t take a “dedicated push” from the Axis to capture an island with nothing on it!!!

  • Think about this….if it started the game as a fortress…Italy would be forced to attack it no matter what.

    However, much like in the real war it starts with near nothing.

    Malta only became a fortress because it was ignored by Italy for too long.

    Because of this it was UK territory behind enemy lines, and thus reenforced to protect this link in the chain to egypt. THEN it drew the attention of the Italians and Germans.

  • Plus the setup for Global isn’t going to be exactly the same as Pacific or Europe. Some placements will differ

  • Couple things to note gentlemen:

    1. these are the setups for the 1940 Europe version, LH has said that the global will have an alternate setup and we may see that written out in the rulebook somewhere rather than on the boxes.

    2. If we not the France set up we have a minor IC on the normandy coast, major in paris, so that leaves no IC on the med, just a naval base.  However, southern france is worth 3, so it can take upto a major IC if your strategy dictates.

    3. Assuming global set up doesn’t change much, I noticed that Western India has 4 infantry, this could prove to be a fair amount of help in holding india for the Pacific campaign, combined with the south africa IC as well.

    4. Germany’s Major IC is on the west side of the country, as and many of us know that is where most of their industry was located at the time.  This keeps it in range for strategic bombing by the allies, 3 spaces by my count if you fly over Holland Belguim.  One note here before I move on to my point, you can in theory, pump out 10 ships then on the western side of denmark now, rather than in the baltic sea only.  Anyways, my final note on German IC’s is that Germany itself is worth 5 IPCs so it can be upgraded to a major IC.

    5. some notes about IPC values for neutrals
      Spain 2
      Portugal 1
      Yugoslavia 2 (my alternate placement for a med IC)
      Bulgaria 1
      Greece 2
      Finland 2
      Sweden 3 (to me this is big for the push to Leningrad)

    Brazil 2
    Venezuala 2
    Argentina 1

    Turkey: going to call it 2, way to blurry
    Saudi Arabia Area 2
    Western Persia Area 2

    two territories in southern africa that are 1 IPCs each

    All I got for now…should be a fun game with lots of different strategies

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