• Customizer

    Depending on how things go, I will have the whole fleet in sz36 on turn 3 - plus buys in sz6.  I will have bought only 2 bases to conquer China and Ind.  The rest is already on the board.

    I haven’t tried your tactic, but I like mine for its speed and certainty right up to J4.

  • @jim010:

    I’ll wade in here, since it is my strategy Calvin is talking about.

    The attack on the fleet at Jav has a 25% chance of success, with Japan surviving with anywhere from 1 to 4 units.

    Doing this attack means I no longer really need much of an airforce to hit Ind, can can swing them to Phi 1 turn sooner.

    Are you saying that you don’t attack the PI on J1?


    And in those 1 in 4 games where it works, Japan still has has enough core fleet to stand in Phi on turn 4 against the US fleet that will have just taken Car - Plus I’ll still have $70 + to spend on my ‘instafleet’.

    What turn do you attack the PI?

    The main question we have (I’m sitting here in Dayton with Tim, and we just set the game up) In looking at the set up, the Caroline fleet normally sends its planes to the land battle in the PI. If the Caroline CV goes to Java, where do the planes come from to land on that CV?

    PS- This is Kaufschtick (cough cough)

    Without planes on the CV in SZ42, that makes a British attack more favorable. If the CV is loaded (read: not drunk), then how are yo taking the PI?

  • India Crush doesnt mean game is over. i got “crushed” and still won as the allies. Korea is the weak link for Nippon. some may disagree with that but in time you will see,young ones. 8-)

  • He would only have 4 ground units & one air unit available (Formosa) to attack Phil  if he wants to keep the carrier fully loaded in sz 42 off Java. He could of coarse use a tac from the Caro’s fleet to attack Phil, then replace it w/Formosa ftr for better def in sz42. None the less the odds go down on the Phil battle w/one plane, or down on the sz 42 battle if the carrier isn’t fully loaded. You can still take Phil J1, but it could cost a couple inf that your counting on for the J3 India crush.

    Good point guys.

  • No, the carrier is stripped down and the planes are replaced by planes from Japan

  • Customizer

    1 tav, 1tank, 1 art, 2 inf are more than enough to take Phi on the first turn.  The carrier in sz42 gets 2 fht

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    No, the carrier is stripped down and the planes are replaced by planes from Japan

    Ftr/tacs from Japan can’t make it to sz42


    1 tav, 1tank, 1 art, 2 inf are more than enough to take Phi on the first turn.  The carrier in sz42 gets 2 fht

    Yea Jap should win the battle, but it could cost them a couple of precious ground units. What are the odds on this battle. Better yet what are the odds that it goes two rounds.

  • Sorry, I confused it with Z44

  • Customizer

    Yea Jap should win the battle, but it could cost them a couple of precious ground units. What are the odds on this battle. Better yet what are the odds that it goes two rounds.

    You should win with the tank and tac.  I don’t need the 2 inf and art to take Ind

    Ftr/tacs from Japan can’t make it to sz42

    I take the fht from For and sz33.

  • @jim010:

    Yea Jap should win the battle, but it could cost them a couple of precious ground units. What are the odds on this battle. Better yet what are the odds that it goes two rounds.

    You should win with the tank and tac.  I don’t need the 2 inf and art to take Ind

    Ftr/tacs from Japan can’t make it to sz42

    I take the fht from For and sz33.

    What if the ftr dies in Z37?

  • Customizer

    I’ll lose a bmb instead.  sz42 must have both fht.

  • Customizer

    I don’t often get attacked there anyway, and when I do, it is usually bad for the UK, not me.  I take it to prevent the Allies from locking it down with planes, or doing a fht transfer.

  • Customizer

    Yea Jap should win the battle, but it could cost them a couple of precious ground units. What are the odds on this battle. Better yet what are the odds that it goes two rounds.

    I win 83%, usually should be with the tac and tank.

  • @jim010:

    I don’t need the 2 inf and art to take Ind


    Sorry, I failed geography.

    (Disclaimer: This is Kaufschtick, I’m in Dayton at Buckeyeboys place…don’t ask me how many beers I’ve had… :-P)

  • Customizer

    The abreviations used are from the battlemap used here to play online.

    Phi is Philipines
    Ind is India

  • @jim010:

    Yea Jap should win the battle, but it could cost them a couple of precious ground units. What are the odds on this battle. Better yet what are the odds that it goes two rounds.

    I win 83%, usually should be with the tac and tank.

    Jim, Tim and I set up the game, played OOB. Can you give us some idea of a typical situation on J2 as far as what Japan has in SZs 37 & 38, ship wise?

    We felt that there existed the possibility of a B1 (2) x DD buy, to then attack into one of these two SZs and possibly close the front door on the Japanese to India.

    PS- This is Kaufschtick, sitting here with Buckeyeboy, we’d offer you a beer, but it’d be warm by the time you got here.

    So we already drank it. :-D

  • @jim010:

    The abreviations used are from the battlemap used here to play online.

    Phi is Philipines
    Ind is India

    Sorry, we’re in the Big Ten.

  • Customizer

    Without seeing where the Allies are, I really can’t say.

  • @jim010:

    Without seeing where the Allies are, I really can’t say.

    We had the US at start at Pearl, of course. 2 x US bmbr, ftr & Db at Queensland.

    China counter-attacked Yunnan (and won, 3 inf survived)

    Britian bought 2 x DD

    ANZAC Queensland ftr to Singapore, the rest of the ANZACer ftrs to Queensland.

  • @pusfilledwart:

    India Crush doesnt mean game is over. i got “crushed” and still won as the allies. Korea is the weak link for Nippon. some may disagree with that but in time you will see,young ones. 8-)

    I think Korea could be the best move for the allies. Would you be ballsy enough to try it US3, while Jap navy and air force is out of range (doing India crush).

    Rd#1 US could buy 2 tpts and would now have 3 (figured they lost the one at Pearl) and you have the troops to load all 3.
    Anz move sub towards Hawaii (target of opportunity ?), load one inf on tpt and move to NZ w/DD.

    Rd#2 send US navy and all air to Midway and buy NB there for range. Jap would have to block 3 sz’s to keep you out of sz6 (and it won’t have 3 ships at home). Send 4 Anz ftrs, DD, and loaded tpt to Hawaii.

    At this point Jap has bought its AB/NB on Kwangsi, and has its air/navy there ready to attack India (spent most of its $). It hasn’t bought any ships other then trps. It has to decide to come back home to def Korea, or proceed with the India crush. Chances are that it will split its force and try to do both. Maybe send some of its air home to scramble, as it will need much of its fleet in the Indian ocean to protect its transports and run blocker.

    Depending on what Jap does the US must decide to go forward w/Korea plan or abort. It would have SS, DD CR, BB, CV (loaded), the 2 bmrs, and 3 trpts (loaded) to send to sz 6 to face scramble (and maybe a couple Jap ships. That’s a sizable force (absorb up to 11 hits), but Jap could easily detour the US if it wants to. If Jap returns home with 1/2 its air force (10-12 planes), would it have enough to do the India crush, or would it have to call it off. If it still does India crush will Jap loose a chunk of its air in the process (the battle would go longer).

    If Jap doesn’t keep enough units at home (miss judges the US force intentions) the US may just attempt an amphib on a Korea, especially if it is unoccupied. It would have the 6 ground units to take it + the 2 Anz inf, and 4 Anz ftrs could noncombat in from Hawaii (the US/Anz could take out blocker with sub/air if there is one). Could also bring the Anz DD if you need it. Jap won’t have trpts at home (they went to India), and the Manchurian force is deep into China, so Jap can’t take it back. The next round the US brings in the rest of its air force, and builds a major IC. If US or Anz is able to block the Jap fleet from returning home, it might even get to build its 10 units.

    I know its along shot that the US will succeed (or even follow through), but just the immediate threat could sway the J3 India crush, or at least weaken the Jap force involved causing Jap to loose more units then it normally would. If the Jap navy is in a hurry to get back home, it might not be able to get the DEI either.

    Its rather late (after 3:00 am in Mich), so I’m not sure if this is all making sense or not, especially to the guys south of the Michigan border in Dayton (I hear they’ve been drinking again).

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