• I’ve been playing a ton on the forum and I would say without any question any possible advantage gained in waiting for J2 or J3 are off set by the enourmous momentem gained by a J1 attack not only in Japanese income but by Japan’s ability to simply, at little or no cost, remove large numbers on Allied units J1.  We have simply been able to overwelm the Allies capturing India consistantly on turn 3 almost regardless of the Allied counter, and really once India falls the game get near to the end.  I have heard people on the forum say that India can be held past turn 3.  I havn’t yet seen in face to face games or online, if Japan is played correctly how it is possible without piles of luck.  The game clearly has been broken with out a bid, to even it up.  Anyone have any thoughts on what they would bid?

    P.S. As far a personal preferance, if you perfer to win J1 is really the best option.  If players are getting J2 or J3 working it is due to either a lesser oponent or Japan’s significant advantages intial strength and mobility.

  • This game do not need a bid. That is what the different starting dates are for. If you play against an experienced Allied player, then attack J1. If the Allied opponent is average, attack J2. If he is a rookie, attack J3. If he is retardet, let him attack T4. This game is so flexible, one size fits all.

  • Play a forum game as the allies then…

  • I’m fairly new to this site and I’m interested in getting into some forum games.  How do I get started?  What is used for dice?
    Sounds like a good way of getting to play some real good A&A players on this site.

  • We play by e-mail, and use the forum to roll the dice, it is actually a huge pain compared to playing in real life but the level of play is much better, and it’s all that’s available.

    Check the forum “Play Board games section” and send someone a personal message asking for a game or simply start a topic and hope someone plays.  They can explain it.  Your first few games take lot of time but it gets quicker.

    We use a map utility called ABattleMap then download and install the APP 40 Map from Flames of Europe Downloads section.

    The dice are rolled inside the forum by typing the numbers of rolls for example

    To roll 5 Inf 2 Rtl and 3 Arm you would type “DiceRolls: 3@1 4@2 3@3; Total Hits: 23@1: (2, 4, 1)4@2: (3, 3, 3, 5)3@3: (3, 6, 6)” (ingnore the “” if I just type it in with out quotes it rolls the dice eg.

    DiceRolls: 3@1 4@2 3@3; Total Hits: 53@1: (1, 2, 5)4@2: (1, 1, 2, 6)3@3: (4, 1, 6)

    Have fun!

  • Never mind it saw the rolls both time…

    you typeDiceInput ErrorThere was an error in your dice throw: “then” is not correct syntax.so “aaa 3@1 4@2 3@3” with the " replaced with : both start and finish will roll the dice

  • Thanks for the help Whitmann

  • Razor what would you do as the Allies if two very experienced equal players are playing? for eg. Gwlachmai and I have a game going right in the forum and I am Japan, I’ve made at least one major oversight which he/she capitalized but as I am Japan it still looks good for me at teh moment, as it’s turn 4 and I’ve captured Ind and most of Asia and there is and was NOTHING more he could have done to stop it.  So… no bid means your typicaly losing with the Allies.

  • No problem once you get the map uitliity and dice figured out send me a personal message and if you want I’ll have you a game.

  • @Whitmann:

    The game clearly has been broken with out a bid, to even it up.  Anyone have any thoughts on what they would bid?

    How could the designers have missed the J1 attack?

    If that is the case, then there should be an official errata to the set up, IMO.

  • What I think they missed was a combination of the construction of a Naval Base in Kwa and Japan’s ability to simply and for little cost airsweep the UK’s units off the board if they step forward to Burma.  I think the answer is like almost all of there games previous to this a bid system to allow the game to keep up with evolving tactics.

  • @Whitmann:

    What I think they missed was a combination of the construction of a Naval Base in Kwa and Japan’s ability to simply and for little cost airsweep the UK’s units off the board if they step forward to Burma.  I think the answer is like almost all of there games previous to this a bid system to allow the game to keep up with evolving tactics.

    Yeah, but how can you miss the intial set up attack? On J1, it’s all right there before you, it’s not like a J2 or J3 attack, where you’d have to figure in potential buys, moves and who attacks who first.

    J1 is right in front of your face, right there. No speculating, no guessing as to who is buying what, or who is doing what. Blam, it’s right there in front of you.

    I hope to hell this whole J1 attack thing is just a temporary fad with a solution that nobody has thought of yet. The retail on this one demands it, $90.00 bucks for a lemon isn’t going to cut it with me. :x

    If they missed something, then they better un-miss it and correct it, IMO.

  • Check out the Calcutta thread its this same conversation…

  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    Gwlachmai and I have a game going right in the forum and I am Japan, I’ve made at least one major oversight which he/she capitalized but as I am Japan it still looks good for me at teh moment, as it’s turn 4 and I’ve captured Ind and most of Asia and there is and was NOTHING more he could have done to stop it.  So… no bid means your typicaly losing with the Allies.

    I have some questions though, Whitmann, as taking India, and even China is not a game winner.

    So you’ve taken India by turn 4.  And?  The Allies don’t have to stop it to still win.

    After the necessary number of turns needed to take India & China, America has had more income than Japan on every turn, and the opportunity to buy stuff.  What has America done?

    With so much IPCs spent against the UK, I’d imagine you’ve bought practically nothing in terms of navy.

    Wouldn’t America have a comparable navy by the time India falls?  Plus they still have a similar sized income.  How do you plan on taking Australia or Hawaii from under such a massive fleet?

    Did America squander it all?
    What has Australia done since your focus has been on India?

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