“Yeah, she’s still naïve young-un. She thinks that capitalism is “The One and Only System That Works”"
It doesn’t “work” well, but it it works “bettah.”
," goes on about how “Palestine is at fault, more so than Israel,” "
she does? Palestine is at more fault, though not total, but definantly more. My study of the situation only reveals what i already currently believe.
"and is heavily pro-environment (which I find totally ludicrous). "
We only have one in a billion different parts corresponding…
"If I wouldn’t say better, you share a lot in common. Not saying you’re naïve though. "
I’m naive am I? At least i have reasons for my opinion and your sister seems the same. Both of you are very smart, so neither are naive…but you are misguided ;)
“Coming from the female audience, my opinion is that prostitution is demeaning and harmful to women.”
You’re female…what do you know about how i treat’em??? jk.
" By selling your body, you are also selling a piece of your soul."
if you even believe in one. By selling your test grades, you are doing the same…both should be legal…wait a second…
" I do not buy into the impression that prostitution is the only answer. Prostitution should never be the answer; there should always be an alternative. When I see a prostitute, I feel so sad and angry inside, watching them throw away his or her life when there is so much left in this world left undone. "
it is a damn shame, but you can be homeless and you’re entitled to it. it is a free country and your freedom is being attacked if you can’t do something that doesn’t harm someone else. prostitution is a business, and everyones lives would be improved if it were legalized.
"To that man or women, I say go ahead and waste you life if it’ll make you pitifully ‘happy’ and ‘free.’ Be forewarned, once you become involved prostitution, it becomes a sort of abyss with no means of escape. One minute you may be the hot ticket on the block and the next you could be so worn out and used as to forget why you even got involved in prostitution in the first place. I hope I didn’t come out sounding too emotional or harsh, but a topic like prostitution will do that to you. "
By no means, but you never directly said if you are for or against legalization. We can’t like everything thats legal. I hate cigarettes.
“I’m sorry, but my parents told me never to reveal my age online. I hope you can understand. If it makes you feel any better, I will be going back to high school soon, even though I’m still a little young for my grade level.”
No problem…I tried to stay clear of that when i was younger too. You skip a grade, or were you born in december or something. I have friends (like my friend jay), that were bron in such a time of the year, they could of been in either the grade ahead or behind it. I’m too lazy to exactly figure it out.
“I’m naive am I? At least i have reasons for my opinion and your sister seems the same. Both of you are very smart, so neither are naive…but you are misguided”
Nah, I never said such a thing. But for the record to clear things straight, Horten is not naive (well, except about the Me-163 Komet thing :wink:). Misguided, then from whom? You forget, logic is in the eye of the logician :o
“I don’t get any respect I tell ya…”
I’m just kiddin’! But the Komet was great (looks-wise) though it killed hundreds of more germans than Allies.
The komet looked a bit too cramped if you ask me. When I first saw it in person, I was like, “Hey, where’s the rest of it?” Also, the problem with the Komet (besides the frequent explosions) was that its landing made it very difficult to avoid Allied ftrs. And how long was the powered flight? :wink:
I saw a “48 hours” about Las Vegas. Anyway, one of it’s segments talked about child prostitution. Recently the Vice Squad started a program where it 1) went after their pimps, and 2) provided a roughly 2 mmonth long program which included a lot of therapy. 90% of those who participated in the program did not go back to prostitution. We need programs like that across America.
I saw a “48 hours” about Las Vegas. Anyway, one of it’s segments talked about child prostitution. Recently the Vice Squad started a program where it 1) went after their pimps, and 2) provided a roughly 2 mmonth long program which included a lot of therapy. 90% of those who participated in the program did not go back to prostitution. We need programs like that across America.
amen. I completely agree with doing everything possible to get child-prostitutes off the streets, applying stiff (pardon the pun) penalties to the john’s who frequent them (including public exposure, etc.) and giving the children a better life.
This is a more supportable position then the original intent of the post (i believe) which seemed to discuss prostitution in general (which i think we might also crack down on for previously mentioned reasons - plus who knows - if the adult prostitutes are shown a better life, they may participate in projects aimed at nailing their pimps, and eventually taking swings at organized crime - which uses prostitution for steady cash, as well as drug income).
was that a bad run-on sentance (fragment)? -
I was thinking that similiar programs could be created for prostitutes in general. The key thing is taking down the pimp, he is what drags the bulk of Prostitutes into/back to prostitution.
No harm in asking, but how old were these “child” prostitutes? I find it disturbing grown men have to indulge themselves on little kids. That’s just wrong no matter how you look at it.
I definitley agree with moses Using a child for Sex is Discusting and Pathetic. and i feel in the bottom of my heart that Child mollestors and Rapists should be executed after they are proven guilty.
No harm in asking, but how old were these “child” prostitutes? I find it disturbing grown men have to indulge themselves on little kids. That’s just wrong no matter how you look at it.
wow Moses, you’re even more naive than i am. There’s (grotesquely enough) a huge market for these girls (even younger than 10!!!).
lots of efforts are going on to clamp down on import of these girls from S.E. Asia right now . . . plus you have other girls (usually native in Canada) as well. -
If you were to legalize Prostitution, you’d have to do the same for Drugs.
personally i do not think so yanny. just givin my 2 cents ;)
wow Moses, you’re even more naive than i am. There’s (grotesquely enough) a huge market for these girls (even younger than 10!!!).
lots of efforts are going on to clamp down on import of these girls from S.E. Asia right now . . . plus you have other girls (usually native in Canada) as well.Nah, I would say any so considering I’m use to the life of prostitutes. And I know of such underage prostitutes (usually girls in their mid-late that have run away from home or having to support their family), but childs? I never encountered any prostitutes before adolescence on the streets of LA (unless you’re willing to include “midgets”). I have heard of the SE Asia prostitute trade (though this is mainly behind closed doors) on the local news, but never of children so young. Oh well, I guess I will have to look into that then. :(
I definitley agree with moses Using a child for Sex is Discusting and Pathetic. and i feel in the bottom of my heart that Child mollestors and Rapists should be executed after they are proven guilty.
It is pathetic. I have so much bitterness and hate when I see former “friends” dropping out of school to conduct their “buisness.” But that comment on child molesters and rapist – you may not be far from the truth. Though the courts may not execute these perverts, criminals in jail don’t take kindly on them to say the least. There have been many reports of deaths by beatings, stabbing, and homosexual acts on such individuals because even the lawbreakers themselves find child molestation so heinous and despicable. I do too :evil:
The prostitutes which I am refering to were between 14 and 17.
Prostitution is dangerous and damaging both mentaly, emotionally, and physically.
We could fund the kind of programs I talked about with stiff fines from johns caught in the act.
And pimps who pimp minors get charged with kidnapping in addition to pimping.
But the fact is; if we legalize it, we could give them room, condom, so none of them are subject of violent behavior.
Are you actually willing to spend tax dollars so that other people can go have sex? You’ve got to be kidding me…
“The prostitutes which I am refering to were between 14 and 17.”
I wouldn’t call it child prostitution then.
“Are you actually willing to spend tax dollars so that other people can go have sex? You’ve got to be kidding me…”
And yet we are willing to spend tax dollars to prevent other people from having sex (government crack down on prostitution)? You’ve got to be kidding me…
between 14 and 17."
I wouldn’t call it child prostitution then.
Then you are Fucking screwd up. Think about this: what if a pimp pimped your sister? What would you call it? Regular Fucking Prostitution?
Sometimes I can’t understand how you and your sister could even be related. I guess mental illness skips parts of some generations.
Not Child Prostitution? Are you kidding me? A 14 year old. YOu are sick Moses.
Watch the language, pal! :o
First of all, I don’t consider teenagers to be mere “children.” They are smart enough to make their own decisions (no matter how stupid they seem) and aren’t all do-gooders or what not. Under your guidelines, would you still consider a lot of us, children? (Assuming some of the forum members here are in there early-late teens). What you are talking about is more of underaged prostitution, something that is (sadly enough) very common in society. Those in underaged prostitution often choose their lives voluntary, though their current situation lures them to it (lack of emotional and family stability, poverty, rebellion/free expressionism, ect). This I would still consider rape, though a little more on statutory grounds.
However, cases of involuntary underaged prostitution still happen (kidnapping, immigration, ect.). Child prostitution, however, is more often against the “givers” own will and they lack the common knowledge to understand the significance of what they are doing. This I would consider rape in the first degree – totally unjustified, even if the parents and child consent to it – it is still wrong IMHO.
“what if a pimp pimped your sister?”
I trust my sister is smart enough to make her own decisions in life (like religion). If she wants to selfishly throw her life away to be a whore, then so be it. I could try to talk her out of it, keep her under close surveillance, but if her will to be a prostitute is strong enough, then I can do nothing to stop her. Luckly, my sister is quite nice and she’s bright enough to know what the awful consequences are of choosing that beaten “road.”
“Then you are Fucking screwd up!”
“I guess mental illness skips parts of some generations.”
“YOu are sick Moses”Ad Hominem. I do not need to respond to that
relax YB. i think that there is a maturity issue here wrt teenagers. Some are very precocious. Just as some adults lack the maturity for sex of any kind. I think that some teens may choose to throw their lives away at a young age. Just 'cuz Moses doesn’t believe that they are necessarily “CHILD” prostitutes doesn’t make him a sicko, but more of an arguer over semantics - especially where 16/17 y/os are concerned.
You both know i am anti-prostitution, particularly child prostitution, but at the same time, let’s not turn a 16 y/o into a victim unnecessarily, especially when there are so many 12 y/o’s trapped in an evil life.
(yes FinsterniS - i said EVIL)