• Okay now…
    Let’s not turn A&A to “longest game ever!” :wink:

  • Do you know of a longer one? :wink:

  • Apparently, you have haven’t played “Marathon Monopoly” yet. This what all the “Iron Men” Gamers train on. 8)

  • @TG:

    Apparently, you have haven’t played “Marathon Monopoly” yet. This what all the “Iron Men” Gamers train on. 8)

    that’s great. been there, done that, and the t-shirt is in the wash.

  • or
    World War2: European Theater of operations:
    the full scenario takes about 50h
    and a friend of mine told eme he once started Empires in Arms, covering the Napoleonic wars, but they never finished :)

  • World War2: European Theater of operations? Sorry never, heard of it. However, lots of WWII tactical simulators do take a Loooooonngg time to complete. Was it made by SPI? I remember they made the Campaign for North Africa, which I can only describe as the equivalent of whacking your head with a hammer. 80 pages of rules, hundreds of units and a map that will require three by ten feet of your surface space for the remainder of your natural life. Once you’re ready to “play,” begin by filling out a log sheet for every unit - you read that right: every damn unit (hundreds in most cases). Then, take note of each unit’s ratings: barrage, vulnerability, anti-armor, offensive close assault, anti aircraft. Record which pilots are flying which planes. Check plane fuel. Plan air missions. Establish supply dumps, convoys, and stores. Assign troops to trucks. Begin construction projects. Transport cargo. Repair stores. Deploy fleets. Initiate training. Check evaporation of water supplies. Pass out water, making sure the Italians get extra, since they need it to make spaghetti (I’m not making this up). Don’t give up yet – you’re almost ready to move a unit! :wink:

  • The longest wargame I played was a Civil War game from Eagle games( I’m always giving these guys pops).

    It took 3 days to finnish. We played for about 24 hours over those days.
    Its a great game.

    Eagle games has just put out their Napoleonic Wars game and its just arrived here at a local game store.
    I’m going grab it next cheque.
    $92 Canadian……sick.

  • ignore this one :lol:

  • almost sounds like advanced 3rd reich, a very old ww2 sim board game. its very intracate, one point is tension levels so that us cant enter the war unntil the game reaches a tension level of 6 i think it is and it goes up and down depending on how the war pans out. the board is huge and is hexagonal which can be good for amphibious assaults(or bad depending on how u take em) but hey it had all the good guys, all the bad guys and even italy :wink: the world championship game of a3r was a quick game w/ a massive invasion establishing a beachhead on england and ended the war by 1941 for a grand total of 7 hrs :D

  • “The longest wargame I played was a Civil War game from Eagle games( I’m always giving these guys pops).”

    Wow, that’s great. Most of my games are short (well, not short, just not 24 hours). How do you guys play? Usually as the Confederacy, I split my forces into two forces, the main force to go after DC and hold off the brunt of the Union forces trying to make a breakthrough to Richmond. Then I have a secondary Calvary force slice through the West (the Spirit of Albert Sidney), ringing up cities along the way. The final end run results in joint invasion of the North, sealing the game. Sorry, I don’t play the Federalist Yankees unless I have to. 8)

    “almost sounds like advanced 3rd reich, a very old ww2 sim board game.”

    At least, 3rd Reich is a good game. The North African Campaign is more like solitaire – by the time you finish your turn, the opponent will already be napping.

  • @TG:

    “The longest wargame I played was a Civil War game from Eagle games( I’m always giving these guys pops).”

    Wow, that’s great. Most of my games are short (well, not short, just not 24 hours). How do you guys play? Usually as the Confederacy, I split my forces into two forces, the main force to go after DC and hold off the brunt of the Union forces trying to make a breakthrough to Richmond. Then I have a secondary Calvary force slice through the West (the Spirit of Albert Sidney), ringing up cities along the way. The final end run results in joint invasion of the North, sealing the game. Sorry, I don’t play the Federalist Yankees unless I have to. 8)

    “almost sounds like advanced 3rd reich, a very old ww2 sim board game.”

    At least, 3rd Reich is a good game. The North African Campaign is more like solitaire – by the time you finish your turn, the opponent will already be napping.

    Well. we use most of the optional rules except advanced initiative. Its a little to powerful.
    But States rights for the south limits, as you know, to where you can place units and even which ones you can buy.

    Our game was very back and forth with no one really pulling ahead, until a big battle in the Chattanooga, where my friend had a huge army; 18 Infantry 6 cannons a leader and 5 cavalry with 1 Elite. They were in the city defending and I attacked with almost every unit I had( I had been gathering them outside the city for turns and turns).
    Anyhow, when my friend’s flank( the North ) broke his huge army had nowhere to retreat to as I cut off his route.
    He lost everything and I got his cannons.
    That was the turning point in our game. But it still took another 8 hours of playing to bring it to an end.
    I, of coarse, won 8) .

    The only thing negative I can say about the game is, you don’t really have to defend most of your territory if you are the Rebels.
    It’s easy to shift your units around into a massive force that can reach out in a number of directions.

  • However, the Union has the advantage of a larger industrial and unit output, so us Southerns will need every infantry we can get our grubby hands on win out. But like you said, the South does have the advantage of being able to win the game by just capturing 5 or 6 cities. A trick I like to use is take my main force and strike forward at the New England to string up victories while the North is still marshaling its army with inexperienced leaders.

    Emancipate the Slaves! :P

  • @TG:

    World War2: European Theater of operations? Sorry never, heard of it. However, lots of WWII tactical simulators do take a Loooooonngg time to complete. Was it made by SPI? I remember they made the Campaign for North Africa,

    Sorry, i have left that game in germany, so i can’t tell who produced it.
    From the complexity it seesm to be between the one you mentioned and A&A.

    Another nice story that a friend of mine told me:
    They played ADnD on a weekly basis at another friends house.
    He had a game set up covering one of the overlord beach sectors (Omaha? Gold? Dunno…).
    The second time they came along and saw the boad again, they asked wether actually anything had happened. The other friend made big eyes: “of course, here, can’t you see, this MG-position has been taken out!” … i haven’t heard that they actually declared someone the winner in that game.

  • A board game based on D-Day!? I dunno, would sound more like a salughter to me.

  • I have a Civilization 2 scenario that’s the D-Day invasion. It really is basically slaughter.

  • Another board game (Which has finally arrived here), which IMHO is the best game ever:

    You play a family in the Republica de los bananas, and the winner is the family that has the most money in its swiss bank account at the end of the game…… Long live el presidente g !! :)

  • It sounds like with that north african game you might as well just fight an actual war, it’d probably be simpler! ("What! You go tell Arivadercci-what’s-his-face that he can dig a well for his OWN F*****G WATER!!!) :roll: I thought A&A was fairly complicated! With a game like north africa you ought to learn to play RISK in kindergarten! :lol:

  • Well, I stand by the fact that no one I know has even completed that game, let alone one turn! :P

    But really, some of the rules are tedious:
    “Do you want to assign drivers for you tanks?”
    “Well duh, you think they’re going to drive themselves!?”
    “Do you want to feed your troops?”
    “No, I think I’ll let them all strave – OF COURSE I"LL FEED MY $@$%TROOPS!”

    And you know something is wrong is when the errata sheet is longer than the rulebook for most games!

    But I like discussions like these, I had my share of bad games:
    One was called “The Plot to Assassinate Hitler.” Sounds interesting, right? That’s until you find out that the entire game takes place in Hitler’s mind(!) and the producers even admit, “This game may not represent the political situation in Germany at the time.” The whole game either ends with you being interrogated by SS Officers “in the lower corridors of Hitler’s brain” or Hitler jumping on the gravy train to spend his last days in the Bahamas! Any takers?

  • @F_alk:

    Another board game (Which has finally arrived here), which IMHO is the best game ever:

    You play a family in the Republica de los bananas, and the winner is the family that has the most money in its swiss bank account at the end of the game…… Long live el presidente g !! :)

    well wicked game this! pretty simplistic game… but all the fun is in the backstabbing!

  • Has anyone played the board game " Zombies"? It’s good.
    basically, you and up to 5 other players run around a city, trying to escape the zombie infested streets, looking the heli-pad.
    Kill as many Zombies as you can, shotgun, gasoline and chainsaw.

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