• I think a targeted attack would be more difficult than hitting targets that present themselves which is why I believe a targeted attack should be allowed at a lesser attack value, and maybe we could blend your idea and say it could only be used on the first round.

  • Advanced Bomb Sights - Your bombers and tactical bombers may select their target in combat on the roll of a “1” when they attack. Other sucessful hits are assigned by the defender as normal.

  • @oztea:

    Advanced Bomb Sights - Your bombers and tactical bombers may select their target in combat on the roll of a “1” when they attack. Other sucessful hits are assigned by the defender as normal.

    This rule kind of gives you the best of both worlds. You’re not really taking a risk but you are rewarded if you are lucky enough to roll a 1. I am usually opposed to such rules. I believe there has to be some kind of a risk to be rewarded so highly.

  • well its a tech……your risk is you dont get it. your reward is it is usefull
    none of the other techs involve a different kind of risk/reward, so i dont think i get your point.
    Advanced bomb sights could replace heavy bombers and Id think everyone could be happy.

    Ammend it to:

    Advanced Bomb Sights - Your bombers and tactical bombers may select their target in combat on the roll of a “1” when they attack. Other sucessful hits are assigned by the defender as normal. Bombers may reroll their die during strategic bombing, but must accept the 2nd result.

  • I guess I just wasn’t thinking along the lines of tech. Sorry about that. I was thinking along the lines of just a standard rule.

  • @Brain:

    I guess I just wasn’t thinking along the lines of tech. Sorry about that. I was thinking along the lines of just a standard rule.

    That would be kind of cool, and worth looking into for future a and a games. The attacker sometimes did choose it’s targets, so maybe a rule that if you rolled a hit, you rolled the dice again and if you get a one then you get to choose your hit.

  • @The:


    I guess I just wasn’t thinking along the lines of tech. Sorry about that. I was thinking along the lines of just a standard rule.

    That would be kind of cool, and worth looking into for future a and a games. The attacker sometimes did choose it’s targets, so maybe a rule that if you rolled a hit, you rolled the dice again and if you get a one then you get to choose your hit.

    I am not sure if I like this idea because I believe you would have to decide whether you were going after a specific target before you attack and not after.

  • @Brain:



    I guess I just wasn’t thinking along the lines of tech. Sorry about that. I was thinking along the lines of just a standard rule.

    That would be kind of cool, and worth looking into for future a and a games. The attacker sometimes did choose it’s targets, so maybe a rule that if you rolled a hit, you rolled the dice again and if you get a one then you get to choose your hit.

    I am not sure if I like this idea because I believe you would have to decide whether you were going after a specific target before you attack and not after.

    Well yea. But you would have to roll a lot more dice that way, and it would be harder to keep track of, and only slightly more realistic. But it’s the same basic idea.

  • actualy, the heavy bomber tech has morphed into something completeley different from what it was originaly.

    Roll 2 dice and pick the better result….pfft…

    An “Advanced bomb-sights” tech could simply replace heavy bombers as…
    Bombers and Tactical bombers roll two dice and pick the better result in combat and during strategic bombing.

  • @oztea:

    actualy, the heavy bomber tech has morphed into something completeley different from what it was originaly.

    Thank goodness, that rule was done away with, as it was a game ender.

  • @allboxcars:


    Targeted attacks would be a nice rule, perhaps you would select your target and then attack at 1 less than your normal attack value.

    IMTO, I don’t think the level of detail in A&A combat supports targeted attacks unless the Techs you’re envisioning are jet power + Harpoons / ALCMs.


    Maybe I should have said focused attack.

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