TripleA Turn Summary: Thailand round 3
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 3.0
Game History
Round: 3
Training Troops - Manchuria
Manchuria collect 0 PUs; end with 10 PUs
Consolidating - Thailand
Thailand collect 0 PUs; end with 7 PUs
Research Technology - Japan
Trigger japaneseaTISW: Japan gains access to ImprovedSpecialWarfare
Japan rolls : 0/1 hits, 0.00 expected hits
Combat Move - Japan
Trigger japaneseSW4: Setting combatOffenseEffect to 2:japaneseAlpineInfantry for territoryEffectAttachment attached to Hills
Trigger japaneseSW5: Setting combatOffenseEffect to 2:japaneseCombatEngineer for territoryEffectAttachment attached to Urban
Trigger japaneseSW6: Setting combatOffenseEffect to 2:japaneseAlpineInfantry for territoryEffectAttachment attached to Mountain
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra1: Setting isInfrastructure to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra1: Setting attack to 1 for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseTank
Trigger japaneseMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseMech.Infantry
Trigger japaneseHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseHeavyTank
Trigger japaneseTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to japaneseTank
Trigger japaneseHvyTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to japaneseHeavyTank
Trigger japaneseMecht4: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to japaneseMech.Infantry
2 japaneseInfantrys moved from Southern Thailand to Malay
1 japaneseMarine moved from Borneo to 93 Sea Zone
1 japaneseBattleship-damaged, 1 japaneseCarrier, 1 japaneseDestroyer, 1 japaneseMarine, 2 japaneseNavalFighters and 1 japaneseTransport moved from 93 Sea Zone to 91 Sea Zone
2 japaneseNavalFighters moved from 91 Sea Zone to Malay
1 japaneseMarine moved from 91 Sea Zone to Malay
1 japaneseArtillery and 1 japaneseCombatEngineer moved from Rangoon to Bengal
1 japaneseAlpineInfantry and 1 japaneseCombatEngineer moved from Burma to Bengal
3 japaneseInfantrys moved from Burma to Bengal
1 japaneseAirTransport moved from French Indochina to Rangoon
1 japaneseAirTransport and 1 japaneseParatrooper moved from Rangoon to Bengal
2 japaneseMarines moved from Phillippines to 127 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines and 1 japaneseTransport moved from 127 Sea Zone to 147 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines moved from 147 Sea Zone to Celebes
2 japaneseNavalFighters moved from 127 Sea Zone to Celebes
2 japaneseNavalFighters moved from 127 Sea Zone to Phillippines Islands
1 japaneseMarine moved from Tokyo to 99 Sea Zone
1 japaneseMarine moved from Kyushu Shikoku to 99 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines and 1 japaneseTransport moved from 99 Sea Zone to 127 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines moved from 127 Sea Zone to Phillippines Islands
2 japaneseMarines moved from Hong Kong to 95 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines and 1 japaneseTransport moved from 95 Sea Zone to 91 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines moved from 91 Sea Zone to Malay
2 japaneseFighters moved from French Indochina to Bengal
1 japaneseStrategicBomber moved from French Indochina to Malay
1 japaneseFighter moved from French Indochina to Malay
1 japaneseFighter moved from French Indochina to Bengal
2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys moved from Kansu to Western Szechwan
Japan take Western Szechwan from China
1 japaneseMech.Infantry and 1 japaneseTank moved from Hupeh to Tsinghai
1 japaneseFighter moved from Suiyuan to Tsinghai
1 japaneseAlpineInfantry and 1 japaneseArtillery moved from Far Eastern Republic to Eastern Evenki
Japan take Eastern Evenki from Russia
2 japaneseInfantrys moved from Japan to 98 Sea Zone
2 japaneseInfantrys and 1 japaneseTransport moved from 98 Sea Zone to 100 Sea Zone
2 japaneseInfantrys moved from 100 Sea Zone to Kamchatka
1 japaneseInfantry moved from Hokkaido to 99 Sea Zone
2 japaneseNavalFighters moved from Japan to Soviet Far East
2 japaneseTanks moved from Khabarovskiy Kray to Soviet Far East
1 japaneseInfantry and 1 japaneseTransport moved from 99 Sea Zone to 100 Sea Zone
1 japaneseInfantry moved from Sakhalin to 100 Sea Zone
2 japaneseInfantrys moved from 100 Sea Zone to Soviet Far East
1 japaneseNavalFighter moved from 99 Sea Zone to Soviet Far East
1 japaneseCruiser moved from 127 Sea Zone to 147 Sea Zone
1 japaneseCruiser moved from 96 Sea Zone to 127 Sea Zone
1 japaneseBattleship moved from 96 Sea Zone to 100 Sea Zone
Combat - Japan
Battle in Kamchatka
Some non-combat units are destroyed:
Battle in Bengal
Japan attack with 1 japaneseAirTransport, 1 japaneseAlpineInfantry, 1 japaneseArtillery, 2 japaneseCombatEngineers, 3 japaneseFighters, 3 japaneseInfantrys and 1 japaneseParatrooper
Britain defend with 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 britishAntiTankGun, 1 britishArtillery, 1 britishCombatEngineer and 3 britishInfantrys
Japan roll dice for 1 japaneseAirTransport, 1 japaneseAlpineInfantry, 1 japaneseArtillery, 2 japaneseCombatEngineers, 3 japaneseFighters, 3 japaneseInfantrys and 1 japaneseParatrooper in Bengal, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 2.25 expected hits
Britain roll dice for 1 britishAntiTankGun, 1 britishArtillery, 1 britishCombatEngineer and 3 britishInfantrys in Bengal, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 1.75 expected hits
2 japaneseInfantrys owned by the Japan lost in Bengal
1 britishAntiTankGun owned by the Britain and 1 britishArtillery owned by the Britain lost in Bengal
Japan roll dice for 1 japaneseAirTransport, 1 japaneseAlpineInfantry, 1 japaneseArtillery, 2 japaneseCombatEngineers, 3 japaneseFighters, 1 japaneseInfantry and 1 japaneseParatrooper in Bengal, round 3 : 2/1 hits, 1.92 expected hits
Britain roll dice for 1 britishCombatEngineer and 3 britishInfantrys in Bengal, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 1.33 expected hits
1 japaneseInfantry owned by the Japan lost in Bengal
2 britishInfantrys owned by the Britain lost in Bengal
Japan roll dice for 1 japaneseAirTransport, 1 japaneseAlpineInfantry, 1 japaneseArtillery, 2 japaneseCombatEngineers, 3 japaneseFighters and 1 japaneseParatrooper in Bengal, round 4 : 2/1 hits, 1.75 expected hits
Britain roll dice for 1 britishCombatEngineer and 1 britishInfantry in Bengal, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits
1 britishInfantry owned by the Britain and 1 britishCombatEngineer owned by the Britain lost in Bengal
Japan win, taking Kamchatka from Russia, taking Bengal from Britain with 1 japaneseAirTransport, 1 japaneseAlpineInfantry, 1 japaneseArtillery, 2 japaneseCombatEngineers, 3 japaneseFighters and 1 japaneseParatrooper remaining. Battle score for attacker is 12
Casualties for Japan: 3 japaneseInfantrys
Casualties for Britain: 1 britishAntiTankGun, 1 britishArtillery, 1 britishCombatEngineer and 3 britishInfantrys
Battle in Malay
Japan attack with 1 japaneseFighter, 2 japaneseInfantrys, 3 japaneseMarines, 2 japaneseNavalFighters and 1 japaneseStrategicBomber
Britain defend with 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 britishAirfield, 1 britishAntiAirGun, 1 britishEntrenchment and 2 britishInfantrys
Britain roll AntiAircraftGun dice in Malay : 0/1 hits, 0.08 expected hits
Japan roll dice for 1 japaneseBattleship-damaged in Malay, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.42 expected hits
Japan roll dice for 1 japaneseFighter, 2 japaneseInfantrys, 3 japaneseMarines, 2 japaneseNavalFighters and 1 japaneseStrategicBomber in Malay, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 1.75 expected hits
Britain roll dice for 1 britishAntiAirGun, 1 britishEntrenchment and 2 britishInfantrys in Malay, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.67 expected hits
1 japaneseInfantry owned by the Japan lost in Malay
1 britishInfantry owned by the Britain and 1 britishAntiAirGun owned by the Britain lost in Malay
Japan roll dice for 1 japaneseFighter, 1 japaneseInfantry, 3 japaneseMarines, 2 japaneseNavalFighters and 1 japaneseStrategicBomber in Malay, round 3 : 2/1 hits, 1.58 expected hits
Britain roll dice for 1 britishEntrenchment and 1 britishInfantry in Malay, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 1.08 expected hits
1 japaneseInfantry owned by the Japan lost in Malay
1 britishInfantry owned by the Britain and 1 britishEntrenchment owned by the Britain lost in Malay
Some non-combat units are destroyed:
Japan win, taking Malay from Britain with 1 japaneseFighter, 3 japaneseMarines, 2 japaneseNavalFighters and 1 japaneseStrategicBomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10
Casualties for Japan: 2 japaneseInfantrys
Casualties for Britain: 1 britishAntiAirGun, 1 britishEntrenchment and 2 britishInfantrys
Battle in Celebes
Japan attack with 2 japaneseMarines and 2 japaneseNavalFighters
ExiledAllies defend with 1 Flagpole and 1 Protectorate; Britain defend with 1 britishInfantry
Japan roll dice for 1 japaneseCruiser in Celebes, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.25 expected hits
ExiledAllies roll dice for 1 britishInfantry in Celebes, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
1 japaneseMarine owned by the Japan lost in Celebes
1 britishInfantry owned by the Britain lost in Celebes
Some non-combat units are destroyed:
Japan win, taking Celebes from ExiledAllies with 1 japaneseMarine and 2 japaneseNavalFighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is -1
Casualties for Japan: 1 japaneseMarine
Casualties for Britain: 1 britishInfantry
Battle in Phillippines Islands
Japan attack with 2 japaneseMarines and 2 japaneseNavalFighters
Usa defend with 1 Flagpole, 1 americanAirfield and 1 americanInfantry
Japan roll dice for 1 japaneseCruiser in Phillippines Islands, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.25 expected hits
Usa roll dice for 1 americanInfantry in Phillippines Islands, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.42 expected hits
1 japaneseMarine owned by the Japan lost in Phillippines Islands
1 americanInfantry owned by the Usa lost in Phillippines Islands
Some non-combat units are destroyed:
Japan win, taking Phillippines Islands from Usa with 1 japaneseMarine and 2 japaneseNavalFighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is -1
Casualties for Japan: 1 japaneseMarine
Casualties for Usa: 1 americanInfantry
Battle in Tsinghai
Japan attack with 1 japaneseFighter, 1 japaneseMech.Infantry and 1 japaneseTank
China defend with 1 Flagpole and 1 chineseCombatEngineer
Japan roll dice for 1 japaneseFighter, 1 japaneseMech.Infantry and 1 japaneseTank in Tsinghai, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.92 expected hits
China roll dice for 1 chineseCombatEngineer in Tsinghai, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 chineseCombatEngineer owned by the China lost in Tsinghai
Japan win, taking Tsinghai from China with 1 japaneseFighter, 1 japaneseMech.Infantry and 1 japaneseTank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
Casualties for China: 1 chineseCombatEngineer
Battle in Soviet Far East
Japan attack with 2 japaneseInfantrys, 3 japaneseNavalFighters and 2 japaneseTanks
Usa defend with 2 americanInfantrys; Britain defend with 1 britishInfantry; Russia defend with 1 Flagpole
Japan roll dice for 1 japaneseBattleship in Soviet Far East, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.83 expected hits
Japan roll dice for 2 japaneseInfantrys, 3 japaneseNavalFighters and 2 japaneseTanks in Soviet Far East, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.33 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 2 americanInfantrys and 1 britishInfantry in Soviet Far East, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.25 expected hits
1 japaneseInfantry owned by the Japan lost in Soviet Far East
1 britishInfantry owned by the Britain and 1 americanInfantry owned by the Usa lost in Soviet Far East
Japan roll dice for 1 japaneseInfantry, 3 japaneseNavalFighters and 2 japaneseTanks in Soviet Far East, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 1.17 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 1 americanInfantry in Soviet Far East, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.42 expected hits
1 japaneseInfantry owned by the Japan lost in Soviet Far East
1 americanInfantry owned by the Usa lost in Soviet Far East
Japan win, taking Soviet Far East from Russia with 3 japaneseNavalFighters and 2 japaneseTanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Japan: 2 japaneseInfantrys
Casualties for Britain: 1 britishInfantry
Casualties for Usa: 2 americanInfantrys
Non Combat Move - Japan
Note to players Japan: <body><img src="phillippines.png"/></body>
Note to players Japan: <body><img src="singapore.png"/></body>
Trigger japaneseMecht1: Setting isLandTransport to true for unitAttachment attached to japaneseMech.Infantry
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra2: Setting isInfrastructure to true for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra2: Setting attack to 0 for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra2: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy to FROM:Japan for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseMecht2: Setting isLandTransport to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseMech.Infantry
2 japaneseNavalFighters moved from Soviet Far East to 100 Sea Zone
1 japaneseNavalFighter moved from Soviet Far East to Vladivostok
1 japaneseCarrier moved from 99 Sea Zone to 100 Sea Zone
1 japaneseDestroyer and 1 japaneseSubmarine moved from 98 Sea Zone to 100 Sea Zone
1 japaneseDestroyer and 1 japaneseSubmarine moved from 99 Sea Zone to 127 Sea Zone
2 japaneseNavalFighters moved from Phillippines Islands to 127 Sea Zone
1 japaneseCarrier moved from 127 Sea Zone to 147 Sea Zone
2 japaneseNavalFighters moved from Celebes to 147 Sea Zone
1 japaneseDestroyer moved from 93 Sea Zone to 147 Sea Zone
2 japaneseNavalFighters moved from Malay to 91 Sea Zone
1 japaneseFighter moved from Malay to Southern Thailand
1 japaneseStrategicBomber moved from Malay to Thailand
1 japaneseStrategicBomber moved from Thailand to French Indochina
1 japaneseSubmarine moved from 99 Sea Zone to 127 Sea Zone
1 japaneseTransport moved from 96 Sea Zone to 98 Sea Zone
1 japaneseInfantry moved from Kyushu Shikoku to 98 Sea Zone
1 japaneseArtillery moved from Hokkaido to 98 Sea Zone
1 japaneseArtillery, 1 japaneseInfantry and 1 japaneseTransport moved from 98 Sea Zone to 100 Sea Zone
1 japaneseArtillery and 1 japaneseInfantry moved from 100 Sea Zone to Far Eastern Republic
1 japaneseMech.Infantry moved from Manchuria to Khabarovskiy Kray
2 japaneseInfantrys moved from Manchuria to Northern Manchuria
2 japaneseInfantrys moved from Northern Manchuria to Khabarovskiy Kray
1 japaneseAlpineInfantry moved from Khabarovskiy Kray to Far Eastern Republic
1 japaneseInfantry moved from Khabarovskiy Kray to Far Eastern Republic
1 Truck moved from Khabarovskiy Kray to Manchuria
1 Truck moved from Northern Manchuria to Manchuria
1 japaneseFighter moved from Tsinghai to Kansu
3 japaneseFighters moved from Bengal to French Indochina
1 japaneseAirTransport moved from Bengal to French Indochina
1 Truck moved from Kwangtung to Hong Kong
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Hong Kong to Kwangtung
1 Train moved from French Indochina to Thailand
1 Material and 1 Train moved from Thailand to Hunan
2 japaneseAlpineInfantrys moved from Shantung to Shensi
1 Train and 1 japaneseCombatEngineer moved from Korea to Shensi
2 japaneseTransports moved from 97 Sea Zone to 98 Sea Zone
3 japaneseAlpineInfantrys moved from Kyushu Shikoku to 98 Sea Zone
1 japaneseArtillery moved from Japan to 98 Sea Zone
3 japaneseAlpineInfantrys, 1 japaneseArtillery and 2 japaneseTransports moved from 98 Sea Zone to 97 Sea Zone
1 japaneseCombatEngineer moved from Shanghai to Anhwei
3 japaneseAlpineInfantrys and 1 japaneseArtillery moved from 97 Sea Zone to Shantung
1 japaneseAlpineInfantry moved from Hunan to Hupeh
1 japaneseArtillery moved from Hunan to Hupeh
2 japaneseInfantrys moved from Hupeh to Kansu
1 japaneseArtillery moved from Hupeh to Kansu
1 japaneseMech.Infantry and 1 japaneseTank moved from Kweichow to Kansu
1 japaneseInfantry moved from French Indochina to Yunnan
1 japaneseArtillery moved from French Indochina to Yunnan
2 japaneseInfantrys moved from Thailand to Burma
1 japaneseInfantry moved from Yunnan to Kweichow
1 japaneseArtillery and 1 japaneseMech.Infantry moved from Hong Kong to Hunan
1 Truck moved from Manchuria to Korea
1 japaneseInfantry moved from Kweichow to Hupeh
Purchase Units - Japan
Japan repair damage of 1x Rail, 1x Rail; Remaining resources: 71 PUs; 9 techTokens;
Japan buy 1 Material, 3 japaneseAlpineInfantrys, 1 japaneseDestroyer, 1 japaneseHull, 4 japaneseMarines, 1 japaneseMech.Infantry, 1 japaneseSubmarine and 1 japaneseTank; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 9 techTokens;
Place Units - Japan
1 Material, 1 japaneseMech.Infantry and 1 japaneseTank placed in Korea
4 japaneseMarines placed in Tokyo
3 japaneseAlpineInfantrys placed in Kyushu Shikoku
1 japaneseDestroyer, 1 japaneseHull and 1 japaneseSubmarine placed in 99 Sea Zone
Turn Complete - Japan
Japan collect 83 PUs; end with 83 PUs
Units generate 9 techTokens; Japan end with 18 techTokens
Purchase Units - Manchuria
Manchuria buy 1 japaneseCombatEngineer and 2 japaneseInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Place Units - Manchuria
1 japaneseCombatEngineer and 2 japaneseInfantrys placed in Manchuria
Turn Complete - Manchuria
Manchuria collect 10 PUs; end with 10 PUs
Some Units in Manchuria change ownership: 1 japaneseCombatEngineer and 2 japaneseInfantrys
Purchase Units - Thailand
Thailand buy 2 japaneseInfantrys; Remaining resources: 1 PUs;
Place Units - Thailand
2 japaneseInfantrys placed in Thailand
Turn Complete - Thailand
Thailand collect 9 PUs; end with 10 PUs
Some Units in Thailand change ownership: 2 japaneseInfantrys
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Britain AntiAircraftGun : -0.08
Japan regular : 1.58
China regular : -0.33
ExiledAllies regular : 0.50
Japan rolls : 0.00
Russia regular : 0.33
Usa regular : 0.58
Britain regular : -1.50