• Think about it, if Japan has and income of about 50 (after it attacks Hong Kong, DEI, and some of China). Thats 50 IPCs vs 1 major enamy (US-55 IPCs). UK, ANZACs and China (22 IPCs) does not really count. If Germany and Italy has to face 3(!!!) major enmanys, US (60), UK (35) and Russia (30) how many IPCs are they going to get.

    Mabey Germany, 65 :evil: and Italy 18.

    THIS WILL BE AWSOME.!!! :-D :-D :-D

  • Maybe… But I think that is a little high.

  • That is a little to high. My guess is that Germany will have enough IPC to invade France and keep the UK at bay. Im not sure how much that will take, but I think the game designers will desgin it to were Germany must invade the USSR if it wants more IPC. Remember this time there are no German units in Africa so invading it is a complicated option.

  • Customizer

    But probably worth it to operate 2 vs 1 against UK in north Africa.

    Another factor is the Paris factory; this will be able to churn out units to stamp on any allies landing in north/west France.  As I don’t believe in a player using captured factories this shows perfectly how such an unhistorical rule effects the game. Previously of course the Germans could stamp out allied invasions with the stack based in Germany itself.

  • '10

    Lets remember that USA will also get IPC for the Eastern United States and territories on the Euro board.

    Im Sure UK will also have alot more considering the amount of territory they will control in Africa/middle east.

  • Germany will probably be in the 30 to start with (or maybe less). After it invades France, it should be in the 40 (with a bonus from the pillage, so maybe 40-50 for 1 turn). After that, it needs to go toward Russia, where the rest of the money is.
    Probably, reaching 50 with Germany will only happen when Russia is hit hard. But I could be wrong. Its all speculation -.-

    UK, excluding Pacific, is likely in the 30-40 (I’m assuming a 5-10 from Canada, 10-15 from Africa and the rest on its own island and Middle-East)

    I guess USA should be in the 50. Without Pacific, Russia is likely in the 30 (It might go as high as the 40 with PAcific, but I’m not too sure)

    Don’t take my words for truth. Just my opinion :)


  • Yeah, I was looking at this earlier on the AA40P boards…  if the US gets like 50 IPCS for the West coast in that game once they enter war footing, are they ALSO getting ANOTHER 50 IPCs for the east coast too?  Would be ridiculously inbalanced unless there was a rule stating the US had separate economies for both the east and west theaters, and even then, 100+ income for the US is simply outrageous.  Would probably be historically accurate, but really impossible for the Axis to overcome after round 5 or so.

    Not sure how these games are supposed to work separately AND also as a global map option with any pretense of game balance.

  • I sincerely hope that there are no “separate income rule” for USA. A decent player will quickly realize that abandoning a front will lead to a defeat. I’m thinking about Japan. There are no way for the Allies to stop Japan without USA help


  • I am excited for the big US income. They’ve been rather unimportant in the prior games. With this boost, they are a legitimate power that cannot be ignored.

  • Germany should get 5 IPC per turn as long as it holds Norway, to simulate the iron ore from Sweden. It was transported through Narvik and then to Germany. This will give the germans a reason to hold on to Norway just like they did for real.

  • @i:


    Germany should get 5 IPC per turn as long as it holds Norway, to simulate the iron ore from Sweden. It was transported through Narvik and then to Germany. This will give the germans a reason to hold on to Norway just like they did for real.

    excilent idea raeder i always give up norway :evil: but if i got 5 ipcs from it i would keep it 8-)

    Exactly. I mean, thats part of why they invaded it in the first place. Both them and the allies were about to invade at the same time, but the germans got there first. After that they kept large forces there for the duration of the war.

    Perhaps the Jerries should also get 5 IPC:s per turn as long as they hold the Ploesti oil fields of Romania.

  • I think Germany will be in the mid twenties at game start (with an unit advantage)

    additional income will come from France (+10), later (after an attck on Russia) Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria will add a few more points (again +5 - +10)

    If Germany has to attack on turn 3 (Russia) and Turn 4 the US (end 1941) it will have to conquer territories to increase its production (maybe + NOs)

  • If Germany only starts in the mid 20’s for IPC’s, then they will start with so many pieces that WOTC won’t give you enough even including the chips.

  • They should start at 30, go to 40 from france, cap out around 50-60 depending on gains in Russia.

    Italy should be at about in the teens, top out in the 20s depending on gains in Africa.

    You gotta keep in mind, these guys will be faced with a 50+ IPC US monster they cannot threaten in the least, not to mention the 30ish IPC UK and Russia.

  • You should NOT add up US/UK AND SU starting income.

    When the US at least joins in Germany/Italy should have chewed a bit of this money away.

    Lets assumne the US has … 10/50 income (peace/war),

    UK 30 and SU also 30

    If Germany starts at 25 and italy at 10.

    That would be 70-35 at the start of the game (US peace Russia also peace - full production?)

    Germany should Grab up 10 from france during turn 1 (maybe 2) = End 1940

    then its 70-45

    Add 5 (at least) from Minor axis (Romania, Hungary, Finland etc), we go to


    Say Turn 3 Germany attacks Russia/balkans (Summer 1941) - this initial assault should (with Italians in Africa) take 10-15 points away from the Allies

    Then it would be

    55-65! - Axis advantage

    Even if the US joins in on turn 4 with full income (production should be 1 turn LATER) - Germany/Italy should take at least another 10 points from the Allies


    85 (55-10+40) - 75! minor Axis disadvantage, but a good player should be still have an light unit advantage…

    Thats why I assume Germany somewhere in the mid 20s with starting income (if Russia/UK start with MUCH more than assumed, I would add a bit - but then the initial assaults should also yield more points for the Axis taken from the Allies)

  • Were going to need 2 boxes of German plastic.

  • As long as we get enough German Tac Bombers and Mech Infantry. Six of each is not going to cut it.

  • We will probably have to buy 2 copies of the game.

  • 2024 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 '10

    They will proably do a “collectors” box that has addition pieces and able to hold both sets of boards and the nations boxes.

    Perhaps like Power Grids recent collectors box.

    I have of course said this before so sorry if it seems like I am repeating my self.  Because I am.  :mrgreen:


  • 2024 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 '10

    Oh and perhaps German IPC’s will get bonuses as well for controlling certain things to help with their income.

    Perhaps the same for UK.  Not so much direct control of territories but bonuses in IPCS when US enters or convoy routes stay unobstructed….etc.

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