1941 New Turn Order: China goes before Japan

  • you are all right.  if only you could work together china could take over the world.

  • I like the china first thing, better than after russia. Or else just let them move thier fighter off the border. But china isn’t meant to be anything more than a side show, if you want to get more into making people stronger give Italy two transports instead of one to start the game. they make almost the same in cash value except italy can buy different units. I find the game well balanced and enjoy it more than any other version. As long as you have people who know how to play and at least 6 hours. Talk to you later Achtung. And Gargantua, see you both on the 28th.

  • well said, like the italy thing too.

  • ach-not sure where all the hostility is coming from :?.
    Especially when I was in essence agreeing with you :|

    End of turn collection and placement sounds pretty good as well but the Flying Tigers will still be dead :-(

  • @Adlertag:


    Are you high dude?

    He is right you know. China must be stronger. This game is not balanced. Also IMHO Borneo and East Indies are not worth 8 IPC, they should be 2 IPC each as in classic.

    Totally agree with this. Especially as Japan gets the 5 IPCs for owning them on top of the 8 they are worth! In fact - surely that makes them worth 13 IPCs - more than W USA.

  • '16 '15 '10

    I really like the idea of China going first.  A bigger and badder China would be fun.  I worry that it swings the game balance in favor of the Allies though.  Axis might need a bid.

  • All Chinese TT’s being worth zero would help as well. Does not effect their production and makes it more of a money pit for Japan.

  • @critmonster:

    All Chinese TT’s being worth zero would help as well. Does not effect their production and makes it more of a money pit for Japan.

    This might be a good change, but I would deffinitely leave Manchuria, Kiangsu, Kwangtung, and French Indo-China’s IPC values alone.

    The coastal areas were quite important and definitely worth the IPCs.  I live in Manchuria, and the Japanese really took a lot of economic resources out of this area and built up this area a lot.  A Japanese starting IC in Manchuria would not be out of line historically.

    Maybe 1 or 2 of the other territories could still be worth 1 IPC, but having 3-5 of the interior starting Chinese territories with 0 IPC values definitely might be a good change.

  • Bard- That is what I was suggesting, starting territories worth 0, coastal Jap (and Kwangtung) TT’s unchanged.

  • Customizer

    Ok… so I’ve read of a lot of folks supporting the idea of China going first, and someone mentioned that it’s a popular house rule.  But I haven’t read of anyone playing a couple or several games this way - only commentary on it. Someone have any summaries as to how this turn-order change effected their game(s)? I’d be curious to hear 'em, I unfortunately don’t have the time to play too often - so when I do I like any new stuff to be kinda “solid” so-to-speak…  :|

  • I was the first to do that. Posted on my AA50 house rules before that game came out. I never saw any house rules for AA50 before the game came out other than mine.China plays with the Soviets. The other method is they build with the Soviets, and move with the Americans so they cant try to take out Japanese territories on C1.  I also allow the Burma road which allows one additional infantry as long as UK controls Burma. last option is the fighter is rebuildable if the US player wants to take one fighter ( but only one).

  • Customizer


    The person who said it was a popular house rule was Gargantua and he should know since he is Canada’s best player. Personally, I had never heard of changing the turn order to:Germany, Russian, China, Japan, UK, Italy, US until I mentioned it.

    Umm… ok.  I’ll take your word on him being the best Canuck player.  I don’t think that was ever brought up as an issue.  So Gargantua - have you used this change often?  Could I get a general overview of how you think it effected the game?  We usually play 1941 with NO’s… Or IL, since it sounds like you’re a veteran to the change as well, give me the skinny on it… I’m/we’re not looking to make China a 7th player, just more than a thorn…

    Not really bothered as to who first conceived the variant - whoever it is, sounds like it might be just what China (in my sessions) is looking for…

  • OK Gordon, Show me the post……the question is has anyone play tested the China goes before Japan concept. I may do it this weekend provided Canuck12 isn’t too scared to out to the Fraser Valley.

    My name is Mr. Ramsey!

    And of course it’s playtested. But my rules are laid out in a ala carte fashion. You pick the ideas you like but obviously if you take too many allied favorable rules your game will not be too balanced.


  • Customizer


    No need to take my word Viracocha, Gargantua has it written on his profile. Check his profile on the first page. He also claims to never have lost a game of AA50.

    I never bother with checking out the profiles but ok…  Huh.  I think that’s a pretty hardcore boast…  The lyrics (Silver Wings upon-) are from the 60’s Green Beret song yeah?
    As far as having never lost an AA50 game - huh, that’s a pretty good track record.

    Bah!  This has deviated from the original reason for my post!  :x

  • @Viracocha:


    No need to take my word Viracocha, Gargantua has it written on his profile. Check his profile on the first page. He also claims to never have lost a game of AA50.

    Maybe he has never played. You can’t lose, if you don’t play.

  • Customizer

    Good point, I agree.

  • Customizer

    Of Canada… using the lyrics of an American soldier’s ballad, right…

  • Customizer

    Eh eh eh - I’ll accept that.

  • finally got to play this (previously suggested on an earlier thread  :wink:) idea. I think it makes a big difference in the pacific theatre. unfortunately the US player then pulled out and went full KGF allowing Japan to godzilla again resulting in axis victory.

  • actually I was Japan so I was pretty happy with his decision :mrgreen:

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