I saw this yesterday and was impressed by it. I wasn’t able to see some of the charts as well as I’d have liked, but it looked as if Ghengis was the #1 slayer on a per captia basis. I wonder how they determined the deaths in the early conflicts? Anyway I thought it was well done.
News story on 70th anny of start of the Great War
Yupp 70 years ago German SS soldiers in polish Uniforms captured a German radio station and declared that Poland is attacking the Reich…
German answer was an Invasion and a German voice in the radio wich said:"Seit fuenf uhr dreissig wird zurueck geschossen!!..
"we fired back since five thirty (o’clock)!!..
Division Brandenburg sneaked allready through Polish area to capture vital bridges, Schleswig Holstein fired at Danzig /G’dansk and Polish horsemen tried to attack german tanks…
Yupp 70 years ago German SS soldiers in polish Uniforms captured a German radio station and declared that Poland is attacking the Reich…
Oldest trick in the book.
70th Anniversary of New Zealand declaring war on Germany today, 3 September 1939.
Yep, we got stuck in early :-D
70th Anniversary of New Zealand declaring war on Germany today, 3 September 1939.
Yep, we got stuck in early :-D
Wicked. Did you guys kill any nazis?
Nation’s Pride. LMAO. Inglourious Basterds is probably my favorite movie of the year so far.
IL changed his avatar! :-o
He did that a few days ago. What is that a picture of?
England’s Nathan Robertson and Anthony Clark: the best men’s doubles in Badminton!
IL was that the late Vic Morrow in your last avatar.
Yes he was the best!
And now it is Chef Ramsey.
(Rank = 97)
Also, that the leader of Germany said “we” when referring to German aggression starting the war.
That is correct. German aggression startet the war with Poland, when they attacked Polish occupied former german soil that was illegitimated taken during Versailes Treaty. Butt it was Britain that turned this small local conflict into a world war, just the same way as they did in 1914. Of course Britain could have started the world war in 1936, when the spanish republicians won a legal election and made Spain a democracy, butt it was not neccesary since Franco won an easy victory. Germany was stronger, so Britain had to gather the rest of the world to put her down.
Also, that the leader of Germany said “we” when referring to German aggression starting the war.
That is correct. German aggression startet the war with Poland, when they attacked Polish occupied former german soil that was illegitimated taken during Versailes Treaty. Butt it was Britain that turned this small local conflict into a world war, just the same way as they did in 1914. Of course Britain could have started the world war in 1936, when the spanish republicians won a legal election and made Spain a democracy, butt it was not neccesary since Franco won an easy victory. Germany was stronger, so Britain had to gather the rest of the world to put her down.
Wow dude, Polish occupied German Soil? I think most Poles would agree with me that Poland was the legitimate owner of that territory. The recreation of Poland as a state was welcomed by the people living there, and they fought pretty darned hard against the German occupation. No country in WWII had a higher loss of life per capita than Poland as well. Your “small local conflict” became a war of extermination in Poland. I for one are glad the UK finally came to support it’s allies, and it should have done so earlier before Czechoslovakia was occupied
The recreation of Poland as a state was welcomed by the people living there, and they fought pretty darned hard against the German occupation.
I dont want to be negative, and are just curious more than anything, butt since you are a history teacher from New Zealand, did the Maori’s fight hard against the British occupation, or did they welcome the brits as liberators ? And how about the Aborigins in Australia, or the Zulu’s in South Africa, or the Indians in North America, or the black slaves from Africa that was sailed on british ships to their new home in U$A’s cotton fields and mines. Did all this natives fight against British exploitement, or did they recognize the brits as great liberators ? As I said, just curious. And I wont pull the string and ask if the Polish was happy to be liberated by allies in 1945. My country too was liberated by the Red Army, so of course we all are very greatful to comrade Stalin, our belowed hero.
The recreation of Poland as a state was welcomed by the people living there, and they fought pretty darned hard against the German occupation.
I dont want to be negative, and are just curious more than anything, butt since you are a history teacher from New Zealand, did the Maori’s fight hard against the British occupation, or did they welcome the brits as liberators ? And how about the Aborigins in Australia, or the Zulu’s in South Africa, or the Indians in North America, or the black slaves from Africa that was sailed on british ships to their new home in U$A’s cotton fields and mines. Did all this natives fight against British exploitement, or did they recognize the brits as great liberators ? As I said, just curious. And I wont pull the string and ask if the Polish was happy to be liberated by allies in 1945. My country too was liberated by the Red Army, so of course we all are very greatful to comrade Stalin, our belowed hero.
What point are you trying to make here?
Race Relations in New Zealand, the Treaty of Waitangi, the Kingitangi movement, Musket Wars and New Zealand wars are very complex issues. Some Maori did fight against the Europeans, but NZ was never invaded as such. It was brought into the empire with a treaty that recognized the unique status of Maori as native peoples. There have been really bad moments in NZ’s history, but work is being done to redress some of the grievances the Tangita whenua have endured in an effort to restore things that were illegally seized from Iwi in NZ. Becuase the government here recognizes the Treaty of Waitangi, Maori goups (Iwi) have legal grounds to make claims against actions that went on.
NZ is not perfect, but i fail to see what this has to do with the invasion of Poland.
Comparing those other colonial incidents above to NZ history is misguided, comparing them to the invasion of Poland is just sad.