Escort carrier:
is 8 ipc and 0-1-2 unit with 1 fighter capacity
Battlecruiser/Pocket Battleship:
Would be a 4-4 unit moving 2 and a 4 @ SB, costing 14 IPC, takes 1 hit.
Mechanized Infantry:
2-2-2-4 unit can carry one inf or art one extra space at 1:1 basis
3-2 unit costing 8 that SBR @ 1/2 rate
Fighter interceptors:
2-3 unit costing 8 that can immediately assist any adjacent attacked territory on the defense ( using its 3 value)
Heavy or Elite Armor:
4-5-2 unit costing 8. you can only build one per turn.
Commandos or elite infantry are a (3)- first round 2-2 unit. These move 4 spaces and this may include up to one water space. They attack to the death and can allocate unused movement points left over to “run away” they cost 8 IPC
Note: these can be sent to attack naval targets as well ( think Italian frogmen or British at St. Nazaire)
Elite infantry idea #2: Representing Shock troops, Waffen SS, Guards
2-3 unit cost 4 move 1, can be boosted like infantry with artillery at 1:1 basis.
Each nation has one general ( or perhaps more including admirals)
the General (or admiral) allows one re roll in combat for a miss each round.