L.O.T.R. - Whack Evil - dawg Good

  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    TripleA Turn Summary: Haradrim round 20

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 20
        Purchase Units - Haradrim
            Haradrim buy 2 corsairss, 2 oliphants and 2 spearInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Haradrim
            7 corsairss and 1 spearInfantry moved from Helms Deep to Westfold
            2 corsairss moved from Isengard to Fangorn
            3 corsairss and 6 spearInfantrys moved from Anfalas to Andrast
            1 spearInfantry moved from Pinnath Gelin to Angren Bank
            3 corsairss and 3 spearInfantrys moved from Pinnath Gelin to Andrast
            4 galleons moved from Anduin Mouth to N. E. Central Sea Zone
            2 galleons moved from Umbar Peninsula Coast to N. W. Central Sea Zone
            1 raft moved from N. W. Central Sea Zone to Andrast Coast
        Combat - Haradrim
            Battle in Andrast
                Haradrim attack with 6 corsairss and 9 spearInfantrys
                Freefolk defend with 2 archerss, 3 hobbitss and 3 spearInfantrys; Gondor defend with 1 castle, 1 spearInfantry and 1 towerGuard
                    Haradrim roll dice for 6 corsairss and 9 spearInfantrys in Andrast, round 2 : 5/15 hits, 4.50 expected hits
                    Gondor roll dice for 2 archerss, 3 hobbitss, 4 spearInfantrys and 1 towerGuard in Andrast, round 2 : 2/10 hits, 3.00 expected hits
                    3 hobbitss owned by the Freefolk, 2 spearInfantrys owned by the Haradrim and 2 archerss owned by the Freefolk lost in Andrast
                    Haradrim roll dice for 6 corsairss and 7 spearInfantrys in Andrast, round 3 : 4/13 hits, 4.17 expected hits
                    Gondor roll dice for 4 spearInfantrys and 1 towerGuard in Andrast, round 3 : 0/5 hits, 1.83 expected hits
                    1 spearInfantry owned by the Gondor and 3 spearInfantrys owned by the Freefolk lost in Andrast
                    Haradrim roll dice for 6 corsairss and 7 spearInfantrys in Andrast, round 4 : 3/13 hits, 4.17 expected hits
                    Gondor roll dice for 1 towerGuard in Andrast, round 4 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    1 towerGuard owned by the Gondor and 1 spearInfantry owned by the Haradrim lost in Andrast
                Haradrim win, taking Andrast from Gondor with 6 corsairss and 6 spearInfantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 19
                Casualties for Haradrim: 3 spearInfantrys
                Casualties for Freefolk: 2 archerss, 3 hobbitss and 3 spearInfantrys
                Casualties for Gondor: 1 spearInfantry and 1 towerGuard
            Battle in Westfold
                Haradrim attack with 7 corsairss and 1 spearInfantry
                Elves defend with 2 griffins; Freefolk defend with 1 lightCavalry
                    Haradrim roll dice for 7 corsairss and 1 spearInfantry in Westfold, round 2 : 5/8 hits, 3.67 expected hits
                    Freefolk roll dice for 2 griffins and 1 lightCavalry in Westfold, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    1 lightCavalry owned by the Freefolk, 2 griffins owned by the Elves and 1 spearInfantry owned by the Haradrim lost in Westfold
                Haradrim win, taking Westfold from Freefolk with 7 corsairss remaining. Battle score for attacker is 15
                Casualties for Haradrim: 1 spearInfantry
                Casualties for Elves: 2 griffins
                Casualties for Freefolk: 1 lightCavalry
            Battle in Fangorn
                Haradrim attack with 2 corsairss
                Elves defend with 2 hunterss
                    Haradrim roll dice for 2 corsairss in Fangorn, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    Elves roll dice for 2 hunterss in Fangorn, round 2 : 2/2 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    2 corsairss owned by the Haradrim lost in Fangorn
                Elves win with 2 hunterss remaining. Battle score for attacker is -8
                Casualties for Haradrim: 2 corsairss
        Non Combat Move - Haradrim
        Place Units - Haradrim
            1 corsairs and 1 spearInfantry placed in Pinnath Gelin
            1 corsairs, 1 oliphant and 1 spearInfantry placed in Anfalas
            1 oliphant placed in Helms Deep
        Turn Complete - Haradrim
            Haradrim collect 40 PUs; end with 40 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Elves : 1.00
    Haradrim : -0.50
    Freefolk : -0.17
    Gondor : -2.33


  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    TripleA Turn Summary: Rhun round 20

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 20
        Purchase Units - Rhun
            Rhun buy 1 spearInfantry and 2 towers; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; 
        Place Units - Rhun
            1 spearInfantry and 2 towers placed in Rhun
        Turn Complete - Rhun
            Rhun collect 13 PUs; end with 14 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :


  • TripleA Turn Summary: Gondor round 20

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 20
        Turn Complete - Gondor

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :


  • TripleA Turn Summary: Dale round 20

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 20
        Purchase Units - Dale
            Dale buy 2 archerss, 1 heavyCavalry, 1 lightCavalry and 1 spearInfantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Dale
            1 lightCavalry moved from S. E. Rhovanion to S. Rhun
                  Dale take S. Rhun from Rhun
            1 lightCavalry moved from S. Rhun to S. E. Rhovanion
            1 lightCavalry moved from S. E. Rhovanion to S. Rhovanion
            8 heavyCavalrys moved from E. Rhovanion to S. Rhovanion
            1 heavyCavalry moved from S. E. Rhovanion to S. Rhovanion
            2 heavyCavalrys and 2 lightCavalrys moved from Celduin to S. Rhovanion
            6 archerss and 6 spearInfantrys moved from S. Dale to Celduin
            1 spearInfantry moved from N. Dale to S. Dale
            1 heavyCavalry and 1 lightCavalry moved from Lake Town to Celduin
            1 archers and 2 spearInfantrys moved from Lake Town to N. Dale
            1 lightCavalry moved from Celduin to Rhovanion
        Combat - Dale
            Battle in S. Rhovanion
                Dale attack with 11 heavyCavalrys and 3 lightCavalrys
                Khand defend with 1 raiders and 2 xbowInfantrys
                    Dale roll dice for 11 heavyCavalrys and 3 lightCavalrys in S. Rhovanion, round 2 : 8/14 hits, 6.50 expected hits
                    Khand roll dice for 1 raiders and 2 xbowInfantrys in S. Rhovanion, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    1 lightCavalry owned by the Dale, 2 xbowInfantrys owned by the Khand and 1 raiders owned by the Khand lost in S. Rhovanion
                Dale win, taking S. Rhovanion from Khand with 11 heavyCavalrys and 2 lightCavalrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8
                Casualties for Dale: 1 lightCavalry
                Casualties for Khand: 1 raiders and 2 xbowInfantrys
        Non Combat Move - Dale
        Place Units - Dale
            2 archerss, 1 heavyCavalry, 1 lightCavalry and 1 spearInfantry placed in Lake Town
        Turn Complete - Dale
            Dale collect 21 PUs; end with 21 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Dale : 1.50
    Khand : 0.17


  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    TripleA Turn Summary: Khand round 20

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 20
        Purchase Units - Khand
            Khand buy 1 raiderCavalry, 1 raiders, 1 warWolves and 2 xbowInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Khand
            1 raiders moved from Dagorlad to S. Rhun
                  Rhun take S. Rhun from Dale
            2 xbowInfantrys moved from N. Ithilien to Dagorlad
            1 xbowInfantry moved from S. Ithilien to N. Ithilien
        Combat - Khand
        Non Combat Move - Khand
        Place Units - Khand
            1 warWolves placed in S. Ithilien
            1 raiderCavalry, 1 raiders and 2 xbowInfantrys placed in Khand
        Turn Complete - Khand
            Khand collect 13 PUs; end with 13 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :


  • TripleA Turn Summary: Dwarves round 20

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 20
        Purchase Units - Dwarves
            Dwarves buy 1 berzerkers and 1 phalanx; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Dwarves
            1 axeInfantry moved from Rhovanion to E. Rhovanion
            1 axeInfantry moved from S. Dale to Celduin
            1 berzerkers moved from S. Dale to Celduin
            1 axeInfantry moved from N. Dale to S. Dale
            3 axeInfantrys moved from Lonely Mtn. to N. Dale
            1 mortar moved from N. Rhun to S. Dale
            8 berzerkerss moved from N. Rhun to S. Dale
            2 cannons moved from N. Dale to Celduin
        Non Combat Move - Dwarves
        Place Units - Dwarves
            1 berzerkers and 1 phalanx placed in Lonely Mtn.
        Turn Complete - Dwarves
            Dwarves collect 12 PUs; end with 13 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :


  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    TripleA Turn Summary: Saruman round 21

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 21
        Purchase Units - Saruman
            Saruman buy 2 orcss and 2 raiderss; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Saruman
            1 trolls and 1 urukhai moved from Isengard to E. Emnet
            1 urukhai moved from Isengard to E. Emnet
            1 orcs and 1 raiders moved from Isengard to Fangorn
        Combat - Saruman
            Battle in Fangorn
                Saruman attack with 1 orcs and 1 raiders
                Elves defend with 2 hunterss
                    Saruman roll dice for 1 orcs and 1 raiders in Fangorn, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    Elves roll dice for 2 hunterss in Fangorn, round 2 : 2/2 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    1 hunters owned by the Elves, 1 raiders owned by the Saruman and 1 orcs owned by the Saruman lost in Fangorn
                Elves win with 1 hunters remaining. Battle score for attacker is -3
                Casualties for Saruman: 1 orcs and 1 raiders
                Casualties for Elves: 1 hunters
            Battle in E. Emnet
                Saruman attack with 1 trolls and 2 urukhais
                Elves defend with 1 castle and 1 wizard
                    Saruman roll dice for 1 trolls and 2 urukhais in E. Emnet, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    Elves roll dice for 1 wizard in E. Emnet, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 wizard owned by the Elves and 1 urukhai owned by the Saruman lost in E. Emnet
                Saruman win, taking E. Emnet from Elves with 1 trolls and 1 urukhai remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                Casualties for Saruman: 1 urukhai
                Casualties for Elves: 1 wizard
        Non Combat Move - Saruman
        Place Units - Saruman
            2 orcss and 2 raiderss placed in Isengard
        Turn Complete - Saruman
            Saruman collect 14 PUs; end with 14 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Saruman : 0.33
    Elves : 1.33


  • TripleA Turn Summary: Freefolk round 21

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 21
        Purchase Units - Freefolk
            Freefolk buy 1 archers, 5 hobbitss, 3 lightCavalrys and 1 spearInfantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Freefolk
            2 lightCavalrys moved from Lond Daer to Andrast
            1 archers, 1 lightCavalry and 1 spearInfantry moved from Druwaith Laur to Andrast
            8 lightCavalrys moved from S. Dunland to Andrast
            1 lightCavalry moved from Enedwaith to Andrast
            1 hobbits moved from Enedwaith Coast to Druwaith Laur
            1 spearInfantry moved from Enedwaith Coast to Druwaith Laur
            1 archers, 1 hobbits and 2 spearInfantrys moved from N. Dunland to S. Dunland
            1 archers and 1 spearInfantry moved from Tharbad to Eregion
            1 archers and 1 spearInfantry moved from Eregion to N. Dunland
            1 archers, 2 hobbitss and 1 spearInfantry moved from Cardolan to Eregion
            1 archers and 1 spearInfantry moved from Eregion to N. Dunland
            4 hobbitss and 1 spearInfantry moved from S. Downs to Minhiriath
            3 hobbitss moved from Bree to S. Downs
            1 hobbits moved from Breelands to S. Downs
            2 hobbitss moved from Fornost to Breelands
        Combat - Freefolk
            Battle in Andrast
                Freefolk attack with 1 archers, 12 lightCavalrys and 1 spearInfantry
                Haradrim defend with 1 castle, 6 corsairss and 6 spearInfantrys
                    Freefolk roll dice for 1 archers, 12 lightCavalrys and 1 spearInfantry in Andrast, round 2 : 4/14 hits, 4.50 expected hits
                    Haradrim roll dice for 6 corsairss and 6 spearInfantrys in Andrast, round 2 : 3/12 hits, 3.00 expected hits
                    4 corsairss owned by the Haradrim, 1 lightCavalry owned by the Freefolk, 1 archers owned by the Freefolk and 1 spearInfantry owned by the Freefolk lost in Andrast
                    Freefolk roll dice for 11 lightCavalrys in Andrast, round 3 : 4/11 hits, 3.67 expected hits
                    Haradrim roll dice for 2 corsairss and 6 spearInfantrys in Andrast, round 3 : 2/8 hits, 2.33 expected hits
                    2 corsairss owned by the Haradrim, 2 lightCavalrys owned by the Freefolk and 2 spearInfantrys owned by the Haradrim lost in Andrast
                    Freefolk roll dice for 9 lightCavalrys in Andrast, round 4 : 2/9 hits, 3.00 expected hits
                    Haradrim roll dice for 4 spearInfantrys in Andrast, round 4 : 2/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    2 lightCavalrys owned by the Freefolk and 2 spearInfantrys owned by the Haradrim lost in Andrast
                    Freefolk roll dice for 7 lightCavalrys in Andrast, round 5 : 3/7 hits, 2.33 expected hits
                    Haradrim roll dice for 2 spearInfantrys in Andrast, round 5 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    2 spearInfantrys owned by the Haradrim lost in Andrast
                Freefolk win, taking Andrast from Haradrim with 7 lightCavalrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 16
                Casualties for Freefolk: 1 archers, 5 lightCavalrys and 1 spearInfantry
                Casualties for Haradrim: 6 corsairss and 6 spearInfantrys
        Non Combat Move - Freefolk
        Place Units - Freefolk
            2 lightCavalrys placed in Lond Daer
            1 archers and 1 lightCavalry placed in Tharbad
            2 hobbitss and 1 spearInfantry placed in Bree
            2 hobbitss placed in Fornost
            1 hobbits placed in Hobbiton
        Turn Complete - Freefolk
            Freefolk collect 26 PUs; end with 26 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Freefolk : -0.50
    Haradrim : -0.33


  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    TripleA Turn Summary: Mordor round 21

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 21
        Purchase Units - Mordor
            Mordor buy 1 nazgul and 13 orcss; Remaining resources: 3 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Mordor
            14 trollss moved from Minas Tirith to E. Emnet
        Non Combat Move - Mordor
        Place Units - Mordor
            1 nazgul placed in Dol Goldur
            8 orcss placed in Barad Dur
            5 orcss placed in Minas Morgul
        Turn Complete - Mordor
            Mordor collect 44 PUs; end with 47 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :


  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    TripleA Turn Summary: Goblins round 21

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 21
        Purchase Units - Goblins
            Goblins buy 1 stabbers and 1 trolls; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Place Units - Goblins
            1 stabbers and 1 trolls placed in Moria
        Turn Complete - Goblins
            Goblins collect 8 PUs; end with 8 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :


  • TripleA Turn Summary: Elves round 21

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 21
        Purchase Units - Elves
            Elves buy 1 eagles, 1 griffin, 5 hobbitss, 2 hunterss and 1 wizard; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Elves
            1 hunters moved from Fangorn to Westfold
            1 hunters moved from Wold to Westfold
            1 hobbits moved from Wold to Westfold
            1 hunters moved from Celebran to Westfold
            1 hunters moved from Lorien to Fangorn
            2 eagless moved from Lorien to Westfold
            4 griffins moved from Lorien to Westfold
            1 griffin moved from S. Caves to Westfold
            1 hobbits moved from Anduin East Bank to Wold
            1 hobbits moved from S. Mirkwood to N. Brown Lands
            1 hunters moved from N. Brown Lands to Westfold
            1 hobbits moved from W. Mirkwood to S. Mirkwood
            1 hobbits moved from Gladden to Anduin East Bank
            1 hobbits moved from Lorien to Drimrill Dale
            1 hunters moved from Drimrill Dale to Anduin East Bank
            1 hobbits moved from Lorien to Celebran
            1 hobbits moved from Carrock to Gladden
            1 hobbits moved from N. Mirkwood to W. Mirkwood
            1 hobbits moved from High Mirkwood to N. Mirkwood
            1 hobbits moved from High Mirkwood to Carrock
            1 hunters moved from Anduin East Bank to Lorien
            1 hobbits moved from S. Dunland to Enedwaith
            3 hobbitss moved from Eregion to N. Dunland
        Combat - Elves
            Battle in Westfold
                Elves attack with 2 eagless, 5 griffins, 1 hobbits and 4 hunterss
                Haradrim defend with 7 corsairss
                    Elves roll dice for 2 eagless, 5 griffins, 1 hobbits and 4 hunterss in Westfold, round 2 : 4/12 hits, 4.67 expected hits
                    Haradrim roll dice for 7 corsairss in Westfold, round 2 : 0/7 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    4 corsairss owned by the Haradrim lost in Westfold
                    Elves roll dice for 2 eagless, 5 griffins, 1 hobbits and 4 hunterss in Westfold, round 3 : 8/12 hits, 4.67 expected hits
                    Haradrim roll dice for 3 corsairss in Westfold, round 3 : 0/3 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    3 corsairss owned by the Haradrim lost in Westfold
                Elves win, taking Westfold from Haradrim with 2 eagless, 5 griffins, 1 hobbits and 4 hunterss remaining. Battle score for attacker is 28
                Casualties for Haradrim: 7 corsairss
        Non Combat Move - Elves
            2 eagless and 5 griffins moved from Westfold to S. Dunland
            1 wizard moved from S. Caves to Lorien
        Place Units - Elves
            1 eagles, 1 griffin, 1 hunters and 1 wizard placed in Lorien
            1 hobbits and 1 hunters placed in S. Caves
            2 hobbitss placed in N. Caves
            2 hobbitss placed in High Mirkwood
        Turn Complete - Elves
            Elves collect 39 PUs; end with 39 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Elves : 2.67
    Haradrim : -1.67


  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    TripleA Turn Summary: Haradrim round 21

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 21
        Purchase Units - Haradrim
            Haradrim buy 5 corsairss and 6 spearInfantrys; Remaining resources: 2 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Haradrim
            1 corsairs, 1 oliphant and 1 spearInfantry moved from Anfalas to Andrast
            1 corsairs and 1 spearInfantry moved from Pinnath Gelin to Andrast
        Combat - Haradrim
            Battle in Andrast
                Haradrim attack with 2 corsairss, 1 oliphant and 2 spearInfantrys
                Freefolk defend with 1 castle and 7 lightCavalrys
                    Haradrim roll dice for 2 corsairss, 1 oliphant and 2 spearInfantrys in Andrast, round 2 : 1/5 hits, 1.83 expected hits
                    Freefolk roll dice for 7 lightCavalrys in Andrast, round 2 : 0/7 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    1 lightCavalry owned by the Freefolk lost in Andrast
                    Haradrim roll dice for 2 corsairss, 1 oliphant and 2 spearInfantrys in Andrast, round 3 : 1/5 hits, 1.83 expected hits
                    Freefolk roll dice for 6 lightCavalrys in Andrast, round 3 : 1/6 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                Units damaged: 1 oliphant owned by the Haradrim
                    1 lightCavalry owned by the Freefolk lost in Andrast
                    Haradrim roll dice for 2 corsairss, 1 oliphant and 2 spearInfantrys in Andrast, round 4 : 2/5 hits, 1.83 expected hits
                    Freefolk roll dice for 5 lightCavalrys in Andrast, round 4 : 0/5 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    2 lightCavalrys owned by the Freefolk lost in Andrast
                    Haradrim roll dice for 2 corsairss, 1 oliphant and 2 spearInfantrys in Andrast, round 5 : 3/5 hits, 1.83 expected hits
                    Freefolk roll dice for 3 lightCavalrys in Andrast, round 5 : 1/3 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    3 lightCavalrys owned by the Freefolk and 1 corsairs owned by the Haradrim lost in Andrast
                Haradrim win, taking Andrast from Freefolk with 1 corsairs, 1 oliphant and 2 spearInfantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 24
                Casualties for Freefolk: 7 lightCavalrys
                Casualties for Haradrim: 1 corsairs
        Non Combat Move - Haradrim
        Place Units - Haradrim
            2 corsairss placed in Pinnath Gelin
            3 corsairss placed in Anfalas
            6 spearInfantrys placed in Helms Deep
        Turn Complete - Haradrim
            Haradrim collect 36 PUs; end with 38 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Haradrim : -0.33
    Freefolk : -1.50


  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    TripleA Turn Summary: Rhun round 21

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 21
        Purchase Units - Rhun
            Rhun buy 2 trebuches and 1 warChariot; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Place Units - Rhun
            2 trebuches and 1 warChariot placed in Rhun
        Turn Complete - Rhun
            Rhun collect 13 PUs; end with 13 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :


  • TripleA Turn Summary: Dale round 21

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 21
        Purchase Units - Dale
            Dale buy 2 heavyCavalrys, 2 lightCavalrys and 1 spearInfantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Dale
                Dale loses 0 PUs for violating Bights neutrality.
            11 heavyCavalrys and 2 lightCavalrys moved from S. Rhovanion to E. Emnet
                  Dale take S. Brown Lands from Khand
            1 lightCavalry moved from Rhovanion to E. Emnet
            5 archerss, 1 heavyCavalry and 6 spearInfantrys moved from Celduin to Rhovanion
            1 archers moved from Celduin to Bight
                  Dale take Bight from Neutral
            1 spearInfantry moved from S. Dale to Celduin
            1 archers and 2 spearInfantrys moved from N. Dale to Celduin
            1 heavyCavalry moved from Lake Town to Celduin
            1 lightCavalry moved from Lake Town to Rhovanion
            2 archerss and 1 spearInfantry moved from Lake Town to N. Dale
        Combat - Dale
            Battle in E. Emnet
                Dale attack with 11 heavyCavalrys and 3 lightCavalrys
                Saruman defend with 1 castle, 1 trolls and 1 urukhai; Mordor defend with 14 trollss
                    Dale roll dice for 11 heavyCavalrys and 3 lightCavalrys in E. Emnet, round 2 : 8/14 hits, 6.50 expected hits
                    Saruman roll dice for 15 trollss and 1 urukhai in E. Emnet, round 2 : 8/16 hits, 7.83 expected hits
                    3 lightCavalrys owned by the Dale, 6 trollss owned by the Mordor, 5 heavyCavalrys owned by the Dale, 1 urukhai owned by the Saruman and 1 trolls owned by the Saruman lost in E. Emnet
                    Dale roll dice for 6 heavyCavalrys in E. Emnet, round 3 : 3/6 hits, 3.00 expected hits
                    Saruman roll dice for 8 trollss in E. Emnet, round 3 : 3/8 hits, 4.00 expected hits
                    3 trollss owned by the Mordor and 3 heavyCavalrys owned by the Dale lost in E. Emnet
                    Dale roll dice for 3 heavyCavalrys in E. Emnet, round 4 : 2/3 hits, 1.50 expected hits
                    Saruman roll dice for 5 trollss in E. Emnet, round 4 : 1/5 hits, 2.50 expected hits
                    2 trollss owned by the Mordor and 1 heavyCavalry owned by the Dale lost in E. Emnet
                    Dale roll dice for 2 heavyCavalrys in E. Emnet, round 5 : 0/2 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    Saruman roll dice for 3 trollss in E. Emnet, round 5 : 1/3 hits, 1.50 expected hits
                    1 heavyCavalry owned by the Dale lost in E. Emnet
                    Dale roll dice for 1 heavyCavalry in E. Emnet, round 6 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    Saruman roll dice for 3 trollss in E. Emnet, round 6 : 2/3 hits, 1.50 expected hits
                    1 heavyCavalry owned by the Dale lost in E. Emnet
                Saruman win with 3 trollss remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10
                Casualties for Dale: 11 heavyCavalrys and 3 lightCavalrys
                Casualties for Mordor: 11 trollss
                Casualties for Saruman: 1 trolls and 1 urukhai
        Non Combat Move - Dale
        Place Units - Dale
            2 heavyCavalrys, 2 lightCavalrys and 1 spearInfantry placed in Lake Town
        Turn Complete - Dale
            Dale collect 18 PUs; end with 18 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Saruman : -2.33
    Dale : 0.50


  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    TripleA Turn Summary: Khand round 21

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 21
        Purchase Units - Khand
            Khand buy 1 raiderCavalry and 2 xbowInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Khand
            1 raiders moved from S. Rhun to S. E. Rhovanion
                  Khand take S. E. Rhovanion from Dale
            1 xbowInfantry moved from Dagorlad to S. Rhovanion
                  Khand take S. Rhovanion from Dale
            1 raiders moved from Dagorlad to S. Brown Lands
                  Khand take S. Brown Lands from Dale
            1 xbowInfantry moved from N. Ithilien to Dagorlad
            1 warWolves moved from S. Ithilien to Dagorlad
            1 raiderCavalry, 1 raiders and 2 xbowInfantrys moved from Khand to Harad Road
            1 raiderCavalry moved from Harad Road to N. Ithilien
        Combat - Khand
        Non Combat Move - Khand
        Place Units - Khand
            1 raiderCavalry placed in S. Ithilien
            2 xbowInfantrys placed in Khand
        Turn Complete - Khand
            Khand collect 15 PUs; end with 15 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :


  • TripleA Turn Summary: Dwarves round 21

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 21
        Purchase Units - Dwarves
            Dwarves buy 2 axeInfantrys and 1 berzerkers; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Non Combat Move - Dwarves
            1 berzerkers and 1 phalanx moved from Lonely Mtn. to N. Dale
            3 axeInfantrys moved from N. Dale to N. Rhun
            8 berzerkerss moved from S. Dale to Celduin
            2 phalanxs moved from N. Rhun to S. Dale
            1 axeInfantry moved from Celduin to S. Dale
        Place Units - Dwarves
            2 axeInfantrys and 1 berzerkers placed in Lonely Mtn.
        Turn Complete - Dwarves
            Dwarves collect 12 PUs; end with 12 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :


  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    TripleA Turn Summary: Saruman round 22

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 22
        Purchase Units - Saruman
            Saruman buy 4 fortificationss and 2 siegeTowers; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Saruman
            1 orcs, 1 raiders and 1 siegeTower moved from Isengard to Fangorn
        Combat - Saruman
            Battle in Fangorn
                Saruman attack with 1 orcs, 1 raiders and 1 siegeTower
                Elves defend with 1 hunters
                    Saruman roll dice for 1 orcs, 1 raiders and 1 siegeTower in Fangorn, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    Elves roll dice for 1 hunters in Fangorn, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    1 hunters owned by the Elves lost in Fangorn
                Saruman win, taking Fangorn from Elves with 1 orcs, 1 raiders and 1 siegeTower remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
                Casualties for Elves: 1 hunters
        Non Combat Move - Saruman
        Place Units - Saruman
            4 fortificationss placed in E. Emnet
            2 siegeTowers placed in Isengard
        Turn Complete - Saruman
            Saruman collect 16 PUs; end with 16 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Saruman : 0.00
    Elves : -0.50


  • TripleA Turn Summary: Freefolk round 22

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 22
        Purchase Units - Freefolk
            Freefolk buy 1 archers, 6 hobbitss, 2 lightCavalrys and 1 spearInfantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Freefolk
            1 archers and 1 hobbits moved from S. Dunland to Adorn
            1 spearInfantry moved from S. Dunland to Adorn
            1 spearInfantry moved from S. Dunland to Adorn
            1 archers moved from Enedwaith to Angren Bank
            1 lightCavalry moved from Tharbad to Angren Bank
            4 hobbitss and 1 spearInfantry moved from Minhiriath to Lond Daer
            1 spearInfantry moved from Druwaith Laur to Enedwaith Coast
            4 hobbitss moved from S. Downs to Minhiriath
            1 archers moved from Tharbad to Eregion
            2 hobbitss and 1 spearInfantry moved from Bree to S. Downs
            2 hobbitss moved from Breelands to S. Downs
            1 hobbits moved from Hobbiton to Shire
            2 hobbitss moved from Fornost to Breelands
            2 archerss and 2 spearInfantrys moved from N. Dunland to Enedwaith
        Combat - Freefolk
            Battle in Adorn
                Freefolk attack with 1 archers, 1 hobbits and 2 spearInfantrys
                Haradrim defend with 1 spearInfantry
                    Freefolk roll dice for 1 archers, 1 hobbits and 2 spearInfantrys in Adorn, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Haradrim roll dice for 1 spearInfantry in Adorn, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 spearInfantry owned by the Haradrim and 1 hobbits owned by the Freefolk lost in Adorn
                Freefolk win, taking Adorn from Haradrim with 1 archers and 2 spearInfantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 1
                Casualties for Freefolk: 1 hobbits
                Casualties for Haradrim: 1 spearInfantry
            Battle in Angren Bank
                Freefolk attack with 1 archers and 1 lightCavalry
                Haradrim defend with 1 spearInfantry
                    Freefolk roll dice for 1 archers and 1 lightCavalry in Angren Bank, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    Haradrim roll dice for 1 spearInfantry in Angren Bank, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 spearInfantry owned by the Haradrim and 1 archers owned by the Freefolk lost in Angren Bank
                Freefolk win, taking Angren Bank from Haradrim with 1 lightCavalry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                Casualties for Freefolk: 1 archers
                Casualties for Haradrim: 1 spearInfantry
        Non Combat Move - Freefolk
        Place Units - Freefolk
            1 archers and 1 spearInfantry placed in Lond Daer
            2 lightCavalrys placed in Tharbad
            3 hobbitss placed in Bree
            2 hobbitss placed in Fornost
            1 hobbits placed in Hobbiton
        Turn Complete - Freefolk
            Freefolk collect 26 PUs; end with 26 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Freefolk : 0.83
    Haradrim : 1.33


  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    TripleA Turn Summary: Mordor round 22

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 22
        Purchase Units - Mordor
            Mordor buy 3 siegeTowers and 5 trollss; Remaining resources: 5 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Mordor
            8 orcss moved from Barad Dur to Gorgoroth
            5 orcss moved from Minas Morgul to Gorgoroth
            1 nazgul and 1 orcs moved from Dol Goldur to S. Mirkwood
        Combat - Mordor
            Battle in S. Mirkwood
                Mordor attack with 1 nazgul and 1 orcs
                Elves defend with 1 hobbits
                    Mordor roll dice for 1 nazgul and 1 orcs in S. Mirkwood, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    Elves roll dice for 1 hobbits in S. Mirkwood, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
                    Mordor roll dice for 1 nazgul and 1 orcs in S. Mirkwood, round 3 : 0/2 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    Elves roll dice for 1 hobbits in S. Mirkwood, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
                    Mordor roll dice for 1 nazgul and 1 orcs in S. Mirkwood, round 4 : 1/2 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    Elves roll dice for 1 hobbits in S. Mirkwood, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
                    1 hobbits owned by the Elves lost in S. Mirkwood
                Mordor win, taking S. Mirkwood from Elves with 1 nazgul and 1 orcs remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for Elves: 1 hobbits
        Non Combat Move - Mordor
            1 nazgul moved from S. Mirkwood to Dol Goldur
        Place Units - Mordor
            1 siegeTower placed in Udun
            2 siegeTowers placed in E. Osg.
            4 trollss placed in Eastfold
            1 trolls placed in Dol Goldur
        Turn Complete - Mordor
            Mordor collect 45 PUs; end with 50 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Mordor : -1.50
    Elves : -0.50


  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    TripleA Turn Summary: Goblins round 22

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round: 22
        Purchase Units - Goblins
            Goblins buy 2 catapults; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Place Units - Goblins
            2 catapults placed in Moria
        Turn Complete - Goblins
            Goblins collect 8 PUs; end with 8 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :


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