1. What is the road between Berlin and Rome used for? Same with the road from Chungking and Calcutta?
Rome-Berlin Road
If the German-Austrian-Roman Road is open at the start of Germany’s turn, the German player may purchase and build one unit at the industrial complex in Northern Italy during Germany’s turn. Once mobilized, this unit immediately becomes Italian controlled.
The German-Austrian-Roman Road is considered open as long as none of the following territories are under Allied control: Germany, Austria, and Northern Italy.
Burma Road
If the Burma Road is open at the start of the USA’s turn, the USA player may purchase and build one unit at the industrial complex in Szechwan. This unit immediately becomes Chinese controlled.
The Burma Road is considered open as long as none of the following territories are under Axis control: Calcutta, Northern India, Burma, Yunnan and Szechwan.
2. There is a missing word in the sentence on page 16, under “Optional Rules”, section “4. Unlikely Alliance”. The first sentence currently reads “During the 1930s Spanish civil Mussolini” The word “war” should be inserted between “civil” and “Mussolini”.
3. To play without Mechanized Divisions and and Air Transports, do we just setup without them and play normally? Or is there some compensation for any country that should have them?
To play without Mechanized Divisions
Simply omit them from the setup.
To play without Air Transports
Simply omit them from the setup
To play without Cruisers
Replace all cruisers with destroyers (destroyers get combined bombardment tech instead of cruisers)
To play without blockhouses
(i dont know, never tried it that way)
To play without supplies
not recommended cuz it gives an unexpected advantage to the allies.
The game setup will be altered slightly before May, to help give Germany better chance in Europe, as they appear to struggle against russia a bit too much. This is the result of further play testing. The new setup will include a new naval unit called an escort. To play the game without escorts, simply omit them from the setup. We found that the mechanized divisions were a bit bland the way the rule stands. they have now been revised as a 4ipc unit that attack 2, defend 2, move 2, can carry one land unit, and cant blitz. it makes a more interesting and useful unit.
I would highly recommend playing with the air transport unit. They are unexpectedly fun to play with and add alot of depth to the game, without dominating it. It would be very much worth it to paint up some original a&a bombers (with two of the four engines cut off) to use in the game. you can usually find them cheap on ebay. Of the newer units i think that they are the most interesting and encourage more unique strategies, albeit they are not necessary to have in the game.
I also recommend playing with each alliance going at the same time, as recommended in the rulebook. It keeps you much more involved in the conflict and less board, plus it speeds the game up alot, without breaking the game.