• In my Game with Captain Walker Domination 1914 No Man’s Land, the dice Server is not letting me finish a battle.
    It Brakes up , gives me an error Code and then triple a shutting down.
    This only happens in this game, my League games, a Team Dom '14 NML game and a Dom game with a diffrent Opponent is not affected.
    Any thoughts?

  • TripleA

    The specific map shouldn’t matter as the dice roller just rolls dice and returns the results.

    Can you post a screenshot or the error that you get along with the same game?

  • I can’t get a screenshot attached in here. It says it is too large.

    I tried to start the game with my Version of triple a and had the same Problem.
    When the first roll is be rolled, the error page Pops up and the game Ends/disappears.



  • @aequitas:

    I can’t get a screenshot attached in here. It says it is too large.

    You could save the screenshot as ‘jpg’ reducing the quality until the file is smaller than the maximum allowed filesize for attachments (1536 KB).


    I tried to start the game with my Version of triple a and had the same Problem.
    When the first roll is be rolled, the error page Pops up and the game Ends/disappears.

    As an alternative to the above mentioned image manipulation search for a file called “error.log” inside your TripleA installation directory.
    If it is there please zip it and attach the zipped file.

    What version of TripleA do you use?

  • Ich benutze die 7378 und Steve die 3393.

    Kann es mir auch nicht erklären P@nther weil wir zuvor ein match gespilet haben ohne Probleme.
    Ist erst aufgetaucht nachdem wir ein neues angefangen haben.

    Sobald ich meine Battles ausrollen will, zeigt er mir noch kurz den ersten wurf des Shorebombardements an und dann kommt der error Pop up und das game ist weg. Nur das graue triple a ist dann da.

    Will try the alternative though.

  • I have tried your file you provided in your game thread - and rolled through all the battles without any issues using the marti dice server.


    As the latest stable is 7621 (also Java 8 is on update #151) at the moment, maybe try this one.

    Apart from this we really need the error message to get an idea about your issue.

    (Schau auch mal bitte in deine Messages.)

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