A&A Naval Miniatures: War at Sea Flank Speed Rumored New Release Date
It is now rumored that the release date for the third Axis & Allies Naval Miniatures expansion War at Sea Flank Speed has been pushed from June 9 to August 25, 2009.
It is now rumored that the release date for the third Axis & Allies Naval Miniatures expansion War at Sea Flank Speed has been pushed from June 9 to August 25, 2009.
If you are an avid Axis & Allies Miniatures player than you already know the great news that the Axis & Allies Naval Miniatures game was released to Stores on March 16, 2007. Since then Avalon Hill has published two articles: Tactica Aquatica to help with your War at Sea tactics and War at Sea: Guadacanal Campaign Pt. 1 the first scenario for the new game.
Tabletop Gaming News has written up an in depth review of the new Axis and Allies Naval Miniatures War at Sea game. The review tells you exactly what to expect out of this game from the pieces to playing the game. The review can become overly critical of the quality of the pieces at times but does praise the game play as "'light-years' more interesting, as a game, than Wizards recent Star Wars: Starship Battles game."
Since the last update here at Axis and Allies .org, Avalon Hill has been busy posting previews for the upcoming War at Sea Naval Miniatures game. With preview 3 we get a look at a couple of fighter units: the Japanese A6M2 "Zeke" and the U.S. F4F Wildcat. In the preview 4 we details on the the Japanese aircraft carrier the Shokaku.
Avalon Hill has made available the second preview of the upcoming Axis & Allies Naval Miniatures War at Sea. In this updated Avalon Hill provided a preview of two cruiser ships: the USS Atlanta and the Japanese Tone. The article provides some historical background, a pictures, and the stats cards.
It's been less than a week since my last update but I couldn't wait to post this one. The folks over at Table Top Gaming News have posted several photos and a complete unit list for the upcoming Axis & Allies Naval Miniatures War at Sea game.
Avalon Hill has finally released a preview of Axis & Allies Miniatures War at Sea, the new naval miniatures game to be released on March 26, 2007. We will get some previews of the game before the release but the rulebook will not be released until March 5. This week's preview at Avalon Hill gives a glimpse of the USS Enterprise, Bismarck, USS Iowa, and HMAS Canberra. Click through to read my commentary on this new game. Also you may discuss in the forums.
A new preview picture from the upcoming Axis & Allies Naval Miniatures War at Sea was recently posted on the Avalon Hill forums. The photo, posted by Robert Mull of Avalon Hill, is that of the Japanese battleship Yamato. The photo is large and detailed showing the 5 11/16" miniature in all of it's glory.
It looks like we are in for some more excitement from the world of Axis & Allies Miniatures. Recently a full page ad for a new A&A Minis expansion was found in an Avalon Hill catalog included with the new Rocketville game. The new expansion appears to be a miniatures game, separate from the existing game, that focuses on naval battles. It will have it’s own starter and boosters.