Axis and Allies Revised First Turns – Russia Part One

Territory notes: Russian fighters should be based either at Russia or Caucasus. Basing at Russia allows Russian fighters to attack east against Japan, and west against Germany. Basing at Russia also allows Russian fighters to reach London in case of an anticipated German attack on London. Basing at Caucasus allows for a stronger defense of Caucasus, and prevents Germany from easily building Mediterranean transports.


Larry Harris Tournament Rules (LHTR) 1.3

The Larry Harris Tournament Rules version 1.3 are a set off rules for Axis & Allies Revised that are commonly used in tournaments and other game play. The rules were created by Larry Harris, the creator of Axis & Allies and has additionally been worked on by several players and tournament game masters. The work continues at Larry's own site Harris Game Design.


Countering the KJF in Revised

While Kill Japan First (KJF) is not a commonly executed strategy, it still has been known to befuddle folks who have never encountered it.  The following is derived from a discussion on how to defeat a common version of the KJF strategy.  In this scenario, UK has a factory in India, US is likely to place one in Sinkiang, and to use their bomber against any unguarded trannies in SZ60, landing in Buryatia.