Axis & Allies Europe 1940 Preview 3: The Rules

There are few new details about the rules in Axis & Allies Europe 1940 as compared to Axis & Allies Pacific 1940. Particularly interesting are the rule regarding neutrality. In this preview I will list out the pertinent rules that will give you a flavor of the new game. When the rules are the same I will reference the preview article for Pacific 1940.


Axis & Allies Europe 1940 Preview 2: French and Italian units

The new upcoming Axis & Allies Europe 1940 board game features two new countries: French and Italy. While the fate of France might be sealed in the first few round or two of play, Italy has a real chance to expand it’s power over the Mediterranean. This preview has several photos of all of the new French units, which are blue and the Italian units, which are brown.


Axis & Allies Europe 1940 Preview 1: Out of the Box

The latest installment of the Axis & Allies board games is Axis & Allies Europe 1940 and will be released on August 24, 2010. It will also be “available” during the GenCon gaming conference in Indianapolis, Indiana from August 5-8. This first preview of Europe 1940 game is a few photos of everything pulled directly out of the box. There are no paper IPCs.