Basic strategy for each country in various situations (A3)

  • The old timers will remember me i guess. I was playing against myself but got stuck because idk the strategy, especially for allies. Help appreciated!

  • Hello SP,

    Some very general (and very basic), ‘grand strategy’ tips for the allies as I know them. More details are sure to follow ;-).
    As the allies you must be patient and retreat away from the expanding axis military whilst reinforcing your (retreating) front. When the frontlines are strong enough, make your stand and 1 or 2  turns later you may be able to switch to the offensive. Alternatively you can allow the axis to destroy your army, as long as you can retalliate immediately after that (in one of your turns).
    The usual areas to hold out/retalliate are Gibraltar, London, Alexandria/Egypt/Middle East/South Africa (depends on your defensive skills and how quickly your reinforcements can arrive), Moscow, Sydney, Hawai and to a lesser extend, Calcutta. As long as you obey the basic rule of ‘not loosing your forces where you can prevent it’, you will start pushing back the axis unless you do not see where they send the hammer of their forces and defend the wrong areas. From those ‘strongpoints’, attack forward immediately once and where the axis cannot retalliate your moves, but consolidate where they can destroy your attacks. Don’t be afraid to retreat a little further if this helps your survival during turn 1-4, but be ready to take the lost strongpoint back after that. The axis are more likely than not, over-extended if they take one of those strongpoints and try to hold on to them hurts them badly elsewhere.

    The allies outproduce the axis during the first 7(ish) turns so it is their job to muster a stronger military force in that time and start pushing back once this is achieved. Do not build things at places where they can be destroyed painlessly by the axis. For example: a small fleet should not be built in London as long as the entire luftwaffe is in range. Build it in Canada instead, moving into Gibraltar immediately after the USA has moved there, complementing their fleet.
    Good builds are Carriers, FTR, TAC, STR, INF, ART. Russia needs lots of INF and some ART. Lots of INF might be needed in London as well if the Germans threaten a Sea Lion. Specific tips on that in later posts I hope. Those are the units that you need to get to the places where you fight, so you also need TRS to transport them and you will need destroyers for ASW (not much in Europe, but more in the Pacific).

    In Europe you need as much ships as needed for protection of itself and it’d be most efficient if you use Carriers for this (NOT Battleships) because they also facilitate lots of combat units for your future invasions. For example: 1CV+2FTR cost you 36 IPC’s, 2BBs cost you 40IPCs. The BBs are more expensive and will only bombard 1 round during invasions, while the FTR/TAC fight all combat rounds and not only during invasions. They can also defend areas previously conquered. You get the picture.
    Dont loose the TRS you have built (except for 1 TRS you can sacrifice if able to take Norway early)! The other ships may be OK if they can take down the enire luftwaffe with them.
    By Turn 7 you should have started an intensive bombing campaign over Germany (you’ll want 10 to 12 STR total for this), so that even buying 10INF will cost them 50IPCs. They’ll want to produce in (West-) Germany because they have to: you threaten with invasions!

    The USA is a special case. A good place to start would be to focus on Europe for the first 2-3 turns, but on the pacific map never spend less than 17IPCs + what Japan spends on warships/aircraft. On average per turn. So keep track of what the USA has not spent in the Pacific so far and make up for it asap! The USA must prevent Japan from grabbing Hawai/Sydney and being able to keep it. Try to be able to land in Gibraltar round2 if japan DOWS J1/J2, but definately NO later than round3. This projects threats to multiple Axis posessions in Europe and should arrest their ability to focus on Moscow/London any longer. You even might be able to use elements of the Pacific fleet to hurry up your European entry if the IJN goes towards the DEI/India, but each and every ship you remove from the pacific must also be replaced asap. On top of the previously mentioned budget!

    Last but not least: did I mention that as the allies you must be patient?
    I better repeat this because winning this game with the allies versus a strong axis strategy will not be possible in 7 turns or so. In fact, after 7 turns things are just about to start for the allies… Unless of course your Axis players make some blunders  :lol:.
    IMHO, games where the allies win typically last somewhere between 14-20 turns. Given that the Axis does not screw up themselves.

  • '14 Customizer

    Well said ItIsILeClerc.  You make some very good points.

  • Thanks Cyanight!

    I tried to stay basic and not go too much into detail as I think it is impossible to cover all the strategies and tactics. I hope it is not too basic. I know  I still have ‘what if’ questions myself when reading back my own post :P.
    Seeing the length of my post, I just covered the allies as I am a true ‘allies-believer’. I hope there are more out there, but from what I hear around I fear we are a dying breed…

  • @ItIsILeClerc:

    Thanks Cyanight!

    I tried to stay basic and not go too much into detail as I think it is impossible to cover all the strategies and tactics. I hope it is not too basic. I know  I still have ‘what if’ questions myself when reading back my own post :P.
    Seeing the length of my post, I just covered the allies as I am a true ‘allies-believer’. I hope there are more out there, but from what I hear around I fear we are a dying breed…

    What is that? And thats great allied strategy! Now axis???

  • @strategic:


    Thanks Cyanight!

    I tried to stay basic and not go too much into detail as I think it is impossible to cover all the strategies and tactics. I hope it is not too basic. I know I still have ‘what if’ questions myself when reading back my own post :P.
    Seeing the length of my post, I just covered the allies as I am a true ‘allies-believer’. I hope there are more out there, but from what I hear around I fear we are a dying breed…

    What is that? And thats great allied strategy! Now axis???

    Yeah believe it or not but I hear lots of stories about Global A&A1940.2 not being balanced (enough) for the allies. Some people completely lost their faith in the allied cause, others have mixed experiences. It cannot be denied as well that some/a lot of players (I don’t know how much exactly) online, play with an allied bidsystem. Personally I really believe that isn’t necessary for the allies to win, as long as you realize (and accept) that winning with the allies takes a very long time to play.

    About some axis basic strategy: I hope others will beat me to it ;-).

  • '14 Customizer




    Thanks Cyanight!

    I tried to stay basic and not go too much into detail as I think it is impossible to cover all the strategies and tactics. I hope it is not too basic. I know I still have ‘what if’ questions myself when reading back my own post :P.
    Seeing the length of my post, I just covered the allies as I am a true ‘allies-believer’. I hope there are more out there, but from what I hear around I fear we are a dying breed…

    What is that? And thats great allied strategy! Now axis???

    Yeah believe it or not but I hear lots of stories about Global A&A1940.2 not being balanced (enough) for the allies. Some people completely lost their faith in the allied cause, others have mixed experiences. It cannot be denied as well that some/a lot of players (I don’t know how much exactly) online, play with an allied bidsystem. Personally I really believe that isn’t necessary for the allies to win, as long as you realize (and accept) that winning with the allies takes a very long time to play.

    About some axis basic strategy: I hope others will beat me to it ;-).

    So very true, I agree 100%.  I play a lot of global 1940 2nd on TripleA and hate the bid system.  The reason I don’t like the bid system is because it allows the player to strategically place units like the sub in sz 98 which I believe is unfair to the game.  It really tips the favor in the odds of the allies IMO.  Just last Saturday night I played a TripleA game and said whoever plays the allies will get a (Fighter) placed in Ontario. (House rule from YoungGrasshopper’s Cliffside Bunker).  I love that addition because it gives and extra piece with value but it prevents it from being involved until Turn 2/3.  Honestly I have no problem playing the Allies asis than with any bid.

  • Yes I am exited about that addition from the Young Grasshopper as well. Like it very much :-).

  • Okay now for the axis part then  8-).

    Well, if the allies have to stay alive and outproduce the axis during the first 7(ish) turns of the game, then for the axis the task ahead is obvious, isn’t it ;-). Win the game before this happens.
    The easiest way to win the game is of course by taking enough VCs for a sudden allied death, but if the allies turn ‘their’ VCs into unbreakable fortresses the axis must rely on breaking them economically. This means that the economic difference between the axis and the allies must be at least somewhere near 55 IPCs more income per turn for the axis, before the allies can go into the counter offensive during turns 7-10.
    Why 55 IPCs? With Moscow unbreakable and the Western allies liberating the axis posessions in Western Europe while raiding Axis’ ICs into oblivion (worth 15 - 20 Axis IPCs going to waste every turn), the allies should be able shifting the economic difference by 51 IPCs into their favor (so the axis still have 4 IPCs more income per turn). 55 IPCs per turn if they can also contest Stalingrad and the Caucasus, and 69 IPCs per turn if they can permanently take those two areas away from the axis (in which case the allies take the upper hand in production again by 14 IPCs more then the axis per turn).Remember, if the allies permanently liberate an area, the economic difference would be worth double its IPC-value because the allies gain the IPCs the Axis just lost.

    The allied ability to shift the economic difference by a stunning 50 to 70 IPCs in a few turns once their offensives start should not be underestimated. Maybe the axis can halt the main allied offensive at a certain point but with equal military strength and more total income, the allies should be able to continue shifting the economic difference.

    The axis can make even a die-hard allied player sweat in fear if you realise a few simple facts:

    • A healthy Russian economy is the most dangerous threat to Germany.

    • A healthy UK economy is the second-most dangerous threat to Germany.

    • The USA cannot take Germany down on its own, so crippling either Russia or UK is priority number 1. Taking a little of their economy is not enough. Either one must loose >75% of its income.

    • Focussing 100% of its resources against the UK or Russia during the opening turns gives Germany a chance to achieve the above or to take either one out completely. Spreading resources against both the UK and Russia helps the allies survive. Rule of thumb: a two-front war is bad for Germany!

    • Japan’s actions have a huge impact on the Euro-axis. Particularly when it DOWs the western allies: J1 is too early for Japan. J2 is optimal for Japan, bad for Germany. J3 is not so bad for Japan, much better for Germany. J4 is difficult for Japan but optimal for Germany (no interference of Western allies until turn 5!).

    • The biggest threat for Japan is the USA focusing on the Pacific. Not much Japan can do about it but Germany has free reign in Europe and should try to become an economic monster. Cash in Europe as long as the USA is pre-occupied against Japan.

    • Japan can strike anywhere but not everywhere at the same time and hope to survive. Best targets for economic gains are:

      • Prio 1 -DEI and the Philipines.

      • Prio 2 -SE Asia, India, Russia and China (believe it or not, but not taking out China risks a lot of axis posessions in asia).

      • Prio 2 -Alternative: you can try to go for the National Objective “outer perimeter”, Hawai + the DEI as your prio’s to put more pressure on the USA, but expect losses in Asia.

      • Prio 3 -Whatever fits into your long term strategic goals. Offensively, either go east (Sydney, Hawai) or west (Middle East, Africa). If you prefer a more defensive playstyle you can go both east and west.

    • Again, Japan cannot strike everywhere at the same time. As a rule of thumb, Japan can hunt down all its priorities in the east OR turn west and face the USA, not both at the same time.

    • Japan can also try to quickly win the game in the Pacific by flash-grabbing 6VCs (only possible when the USA puts too much focus in Europe). In that case Japan must take Sydney + Hawai fast and take Hong Kong + Philippines to close the deal. This is a high-risk strategy because if it fails, Japan is screwed very badly.

    The biggest problem/guess for the axis is as always: what is the USA going to do. How will it split its economy? One of the best chances the axis have on winning the game is to put the USA on the wrong track. Deception…
    Combined with the difficulty a lot of players have when deciding how to split the US’ economy you may be able to ‘outmaneuver’ the allies!
    For example, if Germany is able to grab London in force, the USA possibly overreacts by sending too much of its forces into Europe freeing the way for Japan to grab 6VC in the Pacific.

    I know all this is pretty basic but I hope it can give you a bit of a template to mold your strategies into. Have fun!

  • Thanks! How do i buy effectively so i am not wasting units? That is one of my biggest issues

  • All right, one more thorough explanation then ;-). If you don’t want to waste units you have to calculate and that can be difficult and time consuming.

    There are many roads that lead to Rome, but I can give you 1 strategy out of many possibilities for each MP. As an example. Not necessarily my favorite, but what I consider a good basic from where you should easily be able to make adjustments should the need arise. Otherwise there are just too many _if_s and _but_s to cover… you get the picture.
    So the following builds are assuming a fictional game that flows roughly like I am used to see.

    Germany (strategy = crush Moscow):
    GE1 (30 IPCs)-> slow, 7ART+ save 2 IPCs (to allow surprise 10TRS GE2 vs. the UK). The slow units have enough time to reach the eastern front.
    GE2 (70 IPCs)-> fast, 9ARM + 4MECH. They go to attack Russia as well (GE3).
    GE3 (51 IPCs)-> fast, 5ARM + 5MECH, save 1 IPC. They can catch up with the advancing army in Russia.
    GE4 (50 IPCs)-> fast, 5ARM + 5MECH. In West Germany if the USA has shown up already. They go to Moscow anyway unless the USA wants to exchange units and attacks. If the USA is nowhere near, you can build ARM, FTR, TAC in Leningrad/Ukraine, for a GE6 attack-gambit on Moscow.
    GE5 (60 IPCs)-> From this turn and on, builds depend too much on the situation. The aim is to either continue to throw 10 fast units per turn into Stalin’s face (placing them in West Germany as Insurance against the USA if needed), OR to proceed with the ‘gambit’ (if the USA ignores you too much) and build 5 STR that can also attack Moscow GE6/GE7.

    Russia (strategy = react to Germany, IPCs = assuming Russia takes Iraq RU3):
    RU1 (37 IPCs)-> 7INF + 4ART. Seeing what the Germans have built GE1, it is safe to assume Barbarossa will be launched…
    RU2 (37 IPCs)-> 7INF + 4ART. Same comment as above.
    RU3 (37 IPCs)-> 12INF, save 1.
    RU4 (45 IPCs)-> 10INF + 2MECH + 1ARM, save 1.
    RU5 (40 IPCs)-> 6INF + 1ART + 3ARM.
    RU6 (?? IPCs)-> From this turn and on, stack Moscow with as much units as you can possibly get in there. INF. Add some ART only if the Siberian Hunters (those 18 INF you have in the far east) arrive.

    Japan (strategy = build up economically, reacting defensively to the USA first 6 turns -assuming the USA does not go KJF!):
    JA1 (26 IPCs)-> 2TRS + 1 IC (Shanghai).
    JA2 (40 IPCs)-> 2TRS + 3MECH + 1 IC (Shantung), save 2.
    JA3 (47 IPCs)-> 2TRS + 4MECH + 2ARM, save 5.
    JA4 (58 IPCs)-> 4MECH + 2ARM + 2IC (FIC/Hong Kong/Manchuria, depending on your strategy), save 6.
    JA5 (76 IPCs)-> 8MECH + 4ARM + 2TRS +2INF.
    JA6 (~80 IPCs)-> 12MECH + 2TRS + 2INF + 2ART, save 4.
    Further builds depend too much on the situation. Whatever you (must) do, try to keep producing at least 12MECH per turn With Asian ICs. With the left over IPCs, if you must defend against the USA, build fleet defenses. If not, build offensively against either Hawai/Sydney or (even more focussed) ME/Africa.

    USA (strategy = Stop -not kill- Germany First, if Japan’s actions allow it, otherwise KJF.):
    US1 (52)-> Europe: CV + DD + FTR + 2TRS, save 4.
    US2 (56)-> Europe: CV + 2FTR + 2TRS + 2INF.
    US3 (52)-> Europe: 2TRS + 2INF + ART, Pacific: 28IPCs in the Pacific.
    US4 (72)-> Europe: 2TRS + 2INF + 2ART + 2STR, Pacific: 30IPCs in the Pacific.
    US5 (75)-> Europe: 2TRS + 2INF + 2ART + 2STR, Pacific: 33IPCs in the Pacific.
    US6 (75)-> Europe: 2TRS + 2INF + 2ART + 2STR, Pacific: 17IPCs in the Pacific.
    US7 (??)-> Depends heavily on the situation… Spend 17IPCs + Japan’s budget in the Pacific minus ANZAC’s investments. ANZAC should be able to spend on the ‘combined fleet’ by now, relieving the USA of some of the pressure. By turn 7 (ish), even the attack strength of the combined fleet should be sufficient to keep Japan from over-extending (attacking Hawai/Sydney).
    Example: say Japan has spent 32 IPCs on warships J7. The USA, expecting the ANZAC to contribute 12 IPCs this turn, spends 32-12+17=37 IPCs on warships/air in the Pacific. The rest of its IPCs goes into Europe.

    China (finally, an easy one…):
    INF, INF and once again, INF. Except if the Japs do not close the Burma Road. Then build some ART as well.

    UK London (Strategy = react to the Germans and Italians. Stay alive and once that is secure, counterattack):
    UK1 (28)-> 1STR + 1TAC, save 5. Germany built for barbarossa. With at least 3FTR, 1TAC, 2STR, UK is armed to strike a surprise German invasion fleet.
    UK2 (40)-> 1CV (Canada), 2FTR + 1MECH (South Africa).
    UK3 (29)-> 2MECH + 1TAC (South Africa) + 1FTR (London).
    UK4 (28)-> 2TRS + 1FTR (where you want/need them), save 4
    UK5 (34)-> 1STR + 2FTR, save 2.
    UK6 (39)-> 1STR + 2FTR + TRS.
    UK7 (??)-> 1STR + ?TRS + ?INF/ART. From this point on, be prepared to flood units into Western Europe.

    UK Calcutta (Strategy = hold on to India as long as possible, send units into ME->Africa and retreat into ME before Japan will attack):
    UK1 (17)-> 3INF + 2MECH.
    UK2 (21)-> 1INF + 2MECH + 1FTR.
    UK3 (25)-> 2INF + 2MECH + TAC.
    UK4 (14)-> 2INF + 2MECH.
    UK5 (6)-> 2INF… Stay in Calcutta for as long as you can withstand a Japanese attack and keep building 1 or 2 INF/turn.

    Italy (Strategy = help defend Western Europe so Germany can -hopefully- remain focussed on Russia for longer):
    Italy can very effectively be used as can openers in Russia, but if Russia defends well, this is pointless (i.e. Russia leaves no cans to be opened). If Germany goes Barbarossa to the fullest extend, Italy will never win in Africa/ME and is itself in grave danger once the USA enters Gibraltar/Spain, therefore I often choose to defend as much as possible in Western Europe with Italy…
    IT1 t/m 6: MECH + ARM and twice as many INF + ART. Build an Army worthy of Mord… mainland Europe.

    ANZAC (strategy = create a fortress Sydney to demotivate Japan from ever trying to get in and then contribute to the combined allied fleet in the Pacific):
    AN1 t/m 6 -> 15INF + 3FTR.
    AN7 and on -> build FTR + SUB + DD. Contribute to the combined fleet (FTR are perfect scramblers from an AB and can even land on US’ CVs if need be).

  • Customizer


    IMHO, games where the allies win typically last somewhere between 14-20 turns. Given that the Axis does not screw up themselves.

    Yeah, this is true. In our games, Axis wins usually happen in 8-10 rounds while Allied wins tend to be 12-15 rounds.

  • '14 Customizer

    Very interesting moves ItIsILeClerc .

    I do like your strategy with Germany but what do you do with your fleet?  For it to survive you will need to buy at least 1 Destroyer before you attack Russia. I guess from your plan you go 100% Barb and hope Italy can maintain.  I honestly believe Germany can buy anything on round 1. I have been having major success with buying 5 subs on round 1 with Germany.  To make up for it I build more inf and mech than I do armor and slowly approach Russia.  As you said in your post USA needs help to take out Germany.  One of the best ways to do that is to keep the pressure on Atlantic with subs.  Putting 1 sub in SZ 125 takes Russia’s NO away from them.

    I also find your strategy with UK interesting.  I usually build a Fighter and 6 Inf and send 1 fighter and S.Bomber at the Italian Fleet.  I am a firm believer that if Italy loses their navy then they are done unless they can rebuild one with Germany’s help in the Med or capture the neutrals which is even more risky.  Both though require the help of Germany.  But if you leave Italy with a navy they can continue to send units to Gib, Africa and the ME.  Also if Italy has no Navy they have a difficult time achieving their NO’s. I usually build round 1 a fighter then continue to build 1-3 subs plus inf each round.  The goal is to have 15 combined subs with Germany and Italy before USA enters the war.  Remember subs can move through Gib’s strait without needing control.

  • Hi Cyanight,

    Love to further discuss this!

    The answer to your question about the Kriegsmarine in the above build is painful but simple: I let it die. It serves its purpose briefly and then I hand over control of the Atlantic to the allies. Also, with the mentioned UK strategy I have found that a ‘surprise’ GE2 fleet buy does not get Germany into London (that is something entirely different from contesting the Atlantic) and if it does it was because of Lucky dice rolls during TWO combats (the UK attack on the Kriegsmarine and the German attack on London). Basically, what GE2 buys to fight an UK-attack on its fleet, leaves Germany with too few IPCs left to buy enough TRS to finish off London decisively.
    I like your UK-opening a lot as well as an alternative in many of my own games. Because I know if Germany does launch a surprise attack it will get London with (calculator-predicted) 11 survivors. We have discussed this before and I think we can agree that this is actually a favorable outcome for the allies, as the best Germany can do is take London with 1ARM and retreat its Luftwaffe (10aircraft) into West Germany, or face death by the Russian sword!
    I considered this as a more advanced line of thought when writing the builds above. I wanted to stay more ‘Basic’ and a little more on the safe side of the dicerolling part of things ;-).

    As for the rest:
    the allies can have at (or around) Gibraltar turn 3: 4CV, 7FTR, 1TAC, 4CA, 5DD (escorting 6/7 TRS, 6/7INF, 2ART, 2ARM, 2/3MECH). They will have a further 3STR, 8FTR, 2 TAC spread out over London/Gibraltar/Africa. By this time the axis can have 10submarines total but this cannot challenge the allied (air)fleet enough. Especially because Germans and Italians operate separately from each other. If Germany sends its Luftwaffe into this theatre as well, the allies do not need to be in the region because Russia is absolutely 100% safe from Germany. Alternatively, the allies may be in the position to attack the Luftwaffe and destroy it, if it is based too much forward around Gibraltar (i.e. in Spain, Gibraltar, Morocco, or even Algeria). Yes they weaken themselves a lot as well by doing that but the gains for Russia are that much better that it is actually a no brainer…
    My rule of thumb: Germany/Italy needs the Luftwaffe where they want to have the upper hand. Either around Gibraltar, in North Africa to challenge Egypt, OR in Russia. They cannot be everywhere and where they are not, the allies should push forward.

    I find you have an Interesting and challenging view on A&A Global strategies. You often make me frown, doubt and think over my own strategies ;-). I certainly would love to read more of such interesting views!

  • '14 Customizer

    I think a lot of my strategies are to designed to throw off my opponent not the game, lol… I like to experiment with possibilities and Global has so many of them.  I do enjoy reading your strategies and always welcome your thoughts, frowns or whatever.  :)

    I have never sent all my planes the eastern front with Germany.  Do you keep 3 fighters in W.Germany to scramble?

    Gibraltar turn 3: 4CV, 7FTR, 1TAC, 4CA, 5DD (escorting 6/7 TRS, 6/7INF, 2ART, 2ARM, 2/3MECH). That is very impressive.  Never have I seen more than 2 CV’s come over on turn 3.

  • Cyanight - My buddy Dan and I have discussed this a few times since playing Global…It’s such an inner struggle on “doing what works” (aka what you think works lol) vs. Trying new and interesting strategies BECAUSE as you said, there are soooooo many ways global can go. Last game, my buddy Dan was like, “I am going to try something totally off the wall!” The game came, he didn’t do anything different or exotic or bold. Lol. One of our other buddies “I am finally going to do a STR bombing raid!” And he didn’t do a SINGLE bombing raid! Lol. Another guy “I am finally going to attack a Neutral.” Did he attack any neutrals? Nope. LMFAO.

  • @cyanight:

    I think a lot of my strategies are to designed to throw off my opponent not the game, lol… I like to experiment with possibilities and Global has so many of them.  I do enjoy reading your strategies and always welcome your thoughts, frowns or whatever.  :)

    I have never sent all my planes the eastern front with Germany.  Do you keep 3 fighters in W.Germany to scramble?

    Gibraltar turn 3: 4CV, 7FTR, 1TAC, 4CA, 5DD (escorting 6/7 TRS, 6/7INF, 2ART, 2ARM, 2/3MECH). That is very impressive.  Never have I seen more than 2 CV’s come over on turn 3.

    Not if I have no fleet left to protect ;-). And if I would have, the answer would still be no.

    Gibraltar turn 3: 4CV, 7FTR, 1TAC, 4CA, 5DD (escorting 6/7 TRS, 6/7INF, 2ART, 2ARM, 2/3MECH). That is very impressive.  Never have I seen more than 2 CV’s come over on turn 3.


    Just read through my builds for the USA and UK, combine that with retreating/keeping the allied forces alive wherever you can in my previous posts et voilà, there they are, arriving at Gibraltar round 3. All the allies involved in this move before Italy. Except France but they can get there FR2.

    Of course, Italy/Germany may try to get the ‘retreating’ CV from SZ98, but this will cost them dearly (only 3 STR can reach it, and it defends with 1CV, 1/2CA, 2FTR that turn. They can also attack the French (they are also part of the deal), which I don’t see very often because it is risky for the axis air involved, OR the Italian navy must sail out and that will be the end of the Italian (surface) fleet. If Italy want a decent income it needs to conquer, another Italian dilemma because using aircraft against the French ships will decrease its chances of getting more IPCs. If they do go for the French, not really a big deal either, because it is ‘just’ 1CA and 1DD less from what you quoted ;-).

  • Customizer

    Now you have me curious about the Allied fleet that you say will be at Gibraltar (SZ 91) by the end of round 3. Since the US can not declare war until the Collect Income phase of Turn 3, I am guessing that you are assuming a Japan DOW against USA on turn 3 so the US can move their ships to SZ 91 on their NCM.
    Your strategy of the Allies retreating all units rather than trying any attacks on the Axis is intriguing.
    4 CV, 7 FTR, 1 TAC = I’m guessing 1 UK CV & 1 TAC from SZ 98, 1 UK FTR from Malta, then 3 CV & 6 FTR all US from SZ 101.
    4 CA = 2 UK (SZ 98 & SZ 91), 1 French (SZ 93) and 1 US (SZ 101)
    5 DD = #1 - 1 UK (SZ 98), #2 - 1 UK (SZ 109), #3 - 1 UK (SZ 106), #4 - 1 French (SZ 93) , #5 - ??. Does the US buy a DD to add to the fleet?
    I assume all the transports and land units are also US.
    Does this seem about right to you?

    So, how long do you build up at Gibraltar before attacking the Axis? Where do you usually attack?

  • '14 Customizer

    He buys a CV on turn 2 in Canada. USA only builds 2 CV’s on the Europe side.

    USA (strategy = Stop -not kill- Germany First, if Japan’s actions allow it, otherwise KJF.):
    US1 (52)-> Europe: CV + DD + FTR + 2TRS, save 4.
    US2 (56)-> Europe: CV + 2FTR + 2TRS + 2INF.
    US3 (52)-> Europe: 2TRS + 2INF + ART, Pacific: 28IPCs in the Pacific.
    US4 (72)-> Europe: 2TRS + 2INF + 2ART + 2STR, Pacific: 30IPCs in the Pacific.
    US5 (75)-> Europe: 2TRS + 2INF + 2ART + 2STR, Pacific: 33IPCs in the Pacific.
    US6 (75)-> Europe: 2TRS + 2INF + 2ART + 2STR, Pacific: 17IPCs in the Pacific.
    US7 (??)-> Depends heavily on the situation… Spend 17IPCs + Japan’s budget in the Pacific minus ANZAC’s investments. ANZAC should be able to spend on the ‘combined fleet’ by now, relieving the USA of some of the pressure. By turn 7 (ish), even the attack strength of the combined fleet should be sufficient to keep Japan from over-extending (attacking Hawai/Sydney).
    Example: say Japan has spent 32 IPCs on warships J7. The USA, expecting the ANZAC to contribute 12 IPCs this turn, spends 32-12+17=37 IPCs on warships/air in the Pacific. The rest of its IPCs goes into Europe.

    UK London (Strategy = react to the Germans and Italians. Stay alive and once that is secure, counterattack):
    UK1 (28)-> 1STR + 1TAC, save 5. Germany built for barbarossa. With at least 3FTR, 1TAC, 2STR, UK is armed to strike a surprise German invasion fleet.
    UK2 (40)-> 1CV (Canada), 2FTR + 1MECH (South Africa).
    UK3 (29)-> 2MECH + 1TAC (South Africa) + 1FTR (London).
    UK4 (28)-> 2TRS + 1FTR (where you want/need them), save 4
    UK5 (34)-> 1STR + 2FTR, save 2.
    UK6 (39)-> 1STR + 2FTR + TRS.
    UK7 (??)-> 1STR + ?TRS + ?INF/ART. From this point on, be prepared to flood units into Western Europe.

    I’m Assuming you move the DD from sz106 and  you take out the ships in SZ96 with planes and move the CV + tact + Fighters + CA to 92.  Do you leave the DD in SZ94 to block the Italian fleet?

  • Hello knp!

    Yes, let me clarify these things for you:


    (…)I am guessing that you are assuming a Japan DOW against USA on turn 3 so the US can move their ships to SZ 91 on their NCM.
    -> yes, I indeed assume a J3 DOW. I think that is a reasonable average. Depending on Japan’s actions (J2 DOW for example), the US can be at Gibraltar at the end of turn 2 already. Maybe with the same amount of men and material, maybe with a little less, but definately with the same amount in turn 3 and substantial more force by the end of turn 4. The US can NCM (or CM if they must) to Gibraltar. Your strategy of the Allies retreating all units rather than trying any attacks on the Axis is intriguing.
    -> Thanks! Some small sacrifices are made ofc but I didn’t want to dig too much into details… For example, the Uk typically takes islands of the DEI for as long as Japan does not DOW. 4 CV, 7 FTR, 1 TAC = I’m guessing 1 UK CV & 1 TAC from SZ 98, 1 UK FTR from Malta, then 3 CV & 6 FTR all US from SZ 101.
    -> Actually, there is 2CV + 4FTR from the US, 1CV produced in Canada and 1CV from SZ98 indeed. It is not set in stone btw. If Germany doesn’t produce a lot of warships GE1, the SZ98CV could be released for duties elswhere. 4 CA = 2 UK (SZ 98 & SZ 91), 1 French (SZ 93) and 1 US (SZ 101)
    -> Indeed.
    5 DD = #1 - 1 UK (SZ 98), #2 - 1 UK (SZ 109), #3 - 1 UK (SZ 106), #4 - 1 French (SZ 93) , #5 - ??. Does the US buy a DD to add to the fleet?
    -> I’ll start south and work my way up north. 1French (ZS72) + 1UK (SZ71) + 1US (produced) + 1French (SZ93) + 1UK (SZ109). The DD from SZ98 is used as a blocker in SZ94 to protect the CV that moves from SZ98 to ZS92. I assumed the blocker lost, but if it survives, then it is 6DD total. The DD + TRS from SZ106 may also or may not be added. The battle at Nova Scotia GE1 is often depending on who has the most luck, so I assumed them lost… I assume all the transports and land units are also US.
    -> 5TRS from the USA + 1UK TRS from SZ109. Again, the one from SZ106 is assumed lost, but if it is stil alive, then it goes to the mustering of forces at Gibraltar, sure. The USA could even add 2TRS (fully loaded) from the Pacific, as they are sometimes sitting in the Pacific, doing nothing for a long time because the USA and Japan are involved in an angry staring-contest where none of them attacks the other. But I left that out of the ‘analysis’ as well ;-).
    Does this seem about right to you?
    -> yes!
    So, how long do you build up at Gibraltar before attacking the Axis? Where do you usually attack?
    -> Depends on the Axis (re)actions. Since I expect Japan to turn on Hawai and Sydney after they took all of Asia, I assume I will have to go (as good as) 100% in the Pacific from somewhere around turn 7. Don’t want to have Japan grab its 6th VC  :|. Therefore, I am rather protective of my USA-troops in Europe and I aim to attack (only) where the Axis cannot throw me back into the sea right after I Invaded. The Usual attacks happen in Norway/Normandy and then attacking forward if possible. If Italy can be taken out however, that is also worth a lot. Normandy or Italy happens somewhere between turn 5 - 8! Norway goes down anyway. Turn 5 at the latest. It is an 11IPC economic difference per turn.
    I know this is a large margin but it really depends on how Germany and Italy organise their defenses. If they keep all the Luftwaffe in the West and have a lot of fast units in West Germany for example, attacking Normandy would not be wise. If I cannot attack at all, I comfort myself with the knowledge that Germany has had to give up taking Moscow for that. Comes turn 7 the UK will also have a decent TRS-fleet and Germany becomes at the risk of loosing Berlin in 1 turn because of the (in)famous allied leapfrog-attack. Having to defend against this, Germany usually has to give up its projected threat into Normandy and the Invasion there is a fact.

    The basic idea about the allied build-up in the west, is that Germany and Italy must choose where to defend (read: spend their IPCs) with enough strength to prevent an allied attack. If they can prevent the ‘Wallies’ from landing, Germany has spent not enough for the war in Russia and should loose its control over Stalingrad and Caucasus first and then collapse somewhere because the economic difference has become too pressing.
    Likewise, if Germany remains strong enough in Russia, the Wallies should be able to invade in force and take crucial territories that shift the economic balance ever further into the allied advantage.

    A HUGE variable is what Japan does after it took all of Asia. If it continues into the Middle-East, things become very diffent from just ‘building up’, as the USA can produce MUCH more in Europe (don’t liberate Paris in this case, but use the Normandy/Southern France ICs yourself for a while), while still building more ships in the Pacific than Japan does.

    Well, at least this is the ‘basic’ idea, but I have found it to have moved beyond the status of a ‘paper-tiger’ ;-).

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