@captainwalker bd634a93-8866-4779-98a0-07ad21e97649-triplea_41695_1yam.tsvg
G40 Botider (Allies) vs BigBadBruce (Axies) - Game3
Hi Botider,
So here we are for game 3.
We play with NO’s. I won’t buy tech, I never do, but if you want to play with it, go ahead. -
You’re up…
Yep, I know… I was trying to find a better opening, but after few tries I still like better my classic opening.
GERMANY 1 - Fall of France
2Tr(14) + AC(16) = 30 save 0COMBAT MOVES
#1 France (7Inf,2Art,2Arm,Ftr)
W.GER: 3Inf, 4MInf, Art
S.GER: 2Arm
HOLL : Inf, Art, 2Arm
POLD : Tac - Will land in W.Ger
W.GER: Tac - Returns
E.GER: Tac - Will land in W.Ger#2 Normandy (2Inf,Arm,Ftr)
HOLL : 3Inf,Art,Arm, Ftr - Will land in S.Italy#3 Yugoslavia (5Inf)
S.GER: 6Inf, 2Art
HUNG : 2Inf, Arm
POLD : Arm
ROMA : Inf, Arm#4 z106 (DD, Tr)
z117 : Sub
z118 : Sub#5 z91 (Cru)
z103 : Sub
Z108 : Sub#6 z111 (BB, DD + option Ftr)
z124 : Sub
E.GER: SB - Will land in W.Germany
W.GER: 2Ftr, 2Tac - 2Ftr land on AC to be, 2Tac Returns#7 z112 (2 Cru)
z113 : BB, Cru
NORW : Ftr - Will land in S.Italy
HUNG : Ftr - Will land in W.Germany- WAITING FOR SCRAMBLING ORDERS -
scramble the scotland ftr to sz111…
#1 France
ATT : 4Inf, 4MInf, 2Art, 4Arm, 3Tac
Rolls: 6@1 4@2 4@3 3@4; Total Hits: 96@1: (6, 4, 4, 3, 2, 6)4@2: (2, 2, 6, 6)4@3: (1, 2, 1, 1)3@4: (1, 2, 3)
DEF : 7Inf, 2Art, 2Arm, Ftr
Rolls: 9@2 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 59@2: (1, 4, 6, 6, 5, 5, 1, 5, 6)2@3: (1, 3)1@4: (2)
#1 France
ATT : 3MInf, 2Art, 4Arm, 3Tac
Rolls: 1@1 4@2 4@3 3@4; Total Hits: 31@1: (6)4@2: (6, 5, 5, 4)4@3: (4, 5, 3, 3)3@4: (5, 6, 4)
DEF : 2Arm, Ftr
Rolls: 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 12@3: (1, 6)1@4: (5)
#1 France
TWL : 4Inf, 2MInf#2 Normandy
ATT : 3Inf, Art, Arm, Ftr
Rolls: 2@1 2@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 32@1: (2, 1)2@2: (2, 6)1@3: (4)1@4: (2)
DEF : 2Inf, Arm, Ftr
Rolls: 2@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 12@2: (4, 3)1@3: (2)1@4: (6)
#2 Normandy
ATT : 2Inf, Art, Arm, Ftr
Rolls: 1@1 2@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 21@1: (4)2@2: (5, 5)1@3: (2)1@4: (3)
DEF : Ftr
Rolls: 1@4; Total Hits: 11@4: (4)
#2 Normandy
TWL : 2Inf#3 Yugoslavia
ATT : 9Inf, 2Art, 3Arm
Rolls: 7@1 4@2 3@3; Total Hits: 37@1: (1, 6, 6, 2, 5, 3, 5)4@2: (1, 5, 3, 1)3@3: (4, 6, 5)
DEF : 5Inf
Rolls: 5@2; Total Hits: 05@2: (3, 3, 3, 3, 3)
#3 Yugoslavia
ATT : 9Inf, 2Art, 3Arm
Rolls: 7@1 4@2 3@3; Total Hits: 37@1: (5, 5, 3, 1, 3, 6, 4)4@2: (4, 4, 6, 4)3@3: (2, 6, 2)
DEF : 2Inf
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (6, 5)
#3 Yugoslavia
TWOL#4 z106
ATT : 2Sub
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (6, 5)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
#4 z106 - Round 2
ATT : 2Sub
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 22@2: (1, 2)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)
#4 z106
CWOL#5 z91
ATT : 2Sub (sneak)
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 22@2: (2, 2)
DEF : Cr
Rolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 11@3: (2)
#5 z91
CWOL#6 z111
ATT : Sub, 2Ftr, 2Tac, SB
Rolls: 1@2 2@3 3@4; Total Hits: 51@2: (2)2@3: (6, 3)3@4: (3, 1, 3)
DEF : DD, Ftr, BB
Rolls: 1@2 2@4; Total Hits: 21@2: (5)2@4: (4, 1)
#6 z111
CWL : Sub, Tac#7 z112
z113 : Cru, 2Ftr, BB
Rolls: 3@3 1@4; Total Hits: 33@3: (1, 1, 2)1@4: (6)
DEF : 2Cr
Rolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 12@3: (1, 4)
Well, that was a excellent G1! :-D
#7 z112
ROM > BUL : Inf - Retruits 4Inf.
NOR > FIN : Inf - Retruits 4Inf
POL > HUN : 3Inf
GER > NOR : Inf, Art via Tr z113>z112
GER > WGR : Inf
DEN > WGR : 2Inf
z112: AC
z113: 2TrCOLLECT : 41 + 10(NO) + 19(France) 0Saved = 70
russia 1
11 inf, rtl… spend $33movement
6 inf amur > buryatia
6 inf, aa sakha > buryatia
mech, arm russia > urals
inf karelia > novgorod
3 inf vyborg > novgorod
inf archangel > vologda
inf, rtl russia > vologda
2 inf baltic states > belarus
inf east poland > belarus
inf bessarabia > north ukraine
3 inf south ukraine > north ukraine
mech, arm volgograd > bryansk
ftr, tbmb russia > belarus
aa russia > bryansk
ss sz127 > sz125
bb, ss sz115 > sz114deployment
3 inf > novgorod
2 inf, rtl > south ukraine
4 inf > russia
2 inf > volgogradcollect
$37 -
we still playing here? if your plate’s full, that’s okay. we can suspend for a while. you’re just usually pretty prompt…